Sunday, January 16, 2005

..a not-so solitary confinement..

hmm.. my day started when my grandpa called my mom's cell and told me to dress up for my weekly treatment.. (geez! its 6:00 in the mornin!!) and I got home 5 hrs. ago from the partee..
.. the medication..
while waiting for my turn, my grandpa practiced my communication skills for the interview at UA&P.. whoa! I sure learned a lot from him! (thanks pa!) after the treatment.. he bought me first a call card (which was very unusual of him to buy me one because he was very cheap!).. niwei.. i was really touched.. hehehe then we left..
.. prep time!!..
the driver dropped us off at Megamall because my grandpa told me to fix my hair first! since I didnt bring my brush, he bought me one.. and a ponytail.. from there.. I started to become nervous of the questions they might ask me.. While we were leaving.. my thoughts were so jumbled I couldn't even remember what my grandpa taught me. sheesh!
..freeze like hell..
we went to the admissions office. There, the guy at the front desk told us that I was scheduled to be interviewed at the 7th flr. and meet my interviewer. Before that, I saw my friend Ysa and gave her own advice since she was already done. SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY. I was shaking then.. But all I ever think about is my grandpa's advice.. stay calm. then I entered the room.. It was a woman.
As I enter the freezing room, there she was.. sitting.. and arranging forms of the applicants.. She asked my name, I answered calmly.. actually the whole interview turned out to be some kind of a casual talk.. It only took us 5 mins.
I was very unsatisfied of my answers.. I almost took the whole thing for granted. (not again!!?!) but my grandpa encouraged me though despite of the fact that I regretted my answers. So he told the driver to drop us off at Galleria and fetch us before evening.. savior..
He treated me for lunch at this mongolian resto.. we ate and he still encouraged me not to break down or fill my thoughts with perplexion.. what's important was that I gave my best shot and answered honestly.. Although he lectured me some more.. I kinda understood him. After that we headed up to the moviehouse! ü
..bonding time!!ü..
I was expecting to watch Blade or Ocean's Twelve because knowing him, he loves watching action movies. But guess what? We watched Raise your voice.. whoa! I didnt even know that he likes Hillary Duff!! hehehe we enjoyed the movie since my grandpa told me not to text too much! hehehe.. after that, I saw my Paulinian friends.. (what's new? ;p) my junior and senior palz... ü then.. we canvassed some stuffs and bought CDs for his PC.. and some materials for school..
..last minutes before departure..
before leaving.. our last stop was at Mini-Stop.. he bought some snacks for the driver.. and of course! for meeh!! ;p then we left..
As I arrive home, everything turned out to be a slaking moment.. I bonded with my grandpa.. and again.. he accompanied me to my interview..
my realizations for today..
Ever since I was a kid.. my grandpa was always there to accompany me. When I had my first interview for admissions in elementary, when I was called to be interviewed in St. Paul.. and now, he's still there to guide me and perform his role as my mentor. During the interview.. I told Dra. Torralba (the name of my interviewer) that he's like a real dad. Thanks pa! ü
soo I guess I'm signing off.. later at 7.. i'll be going to Bencelle's house to be introduced to the choir im about to join for my parish involvement. But I hope I can come because its 6pm and by now, we should be going to mass already. Oh well.. that's life.. ;) till here.. Wait! before I forget.. I want to greet my cheap a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope ur weekend'll be a BLAST! im sure it is.. ü have fun!! labyu! mwah!ü


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