Monday, January 17, 2005


well whaddya know?! I passed UST!! I was so shocked and at the same time I felt goosebumps all over my body!! Niwei.. I love this day! I guess.. hehe cuz I wouldn't want to hate it because of some bad news again that i'll be hearing in the near future.. hehehe dont mind me.. anyway..

and the bass keeps running running.. and running running.. and running running.. HEY!

My dad picked us up (me and my sister) and ate lunch outside.. we went to Shopwise to buy some grocery and he even bought me Lays Classic!! whoa! another one of my favorites.. ;p oh! not to mention Code Red.. *Gosh.. addictive..* hehehe then we went to his place and watched again Shaman King.. marathon time!!!!!! hehehehe
..Raise your voice..
I remembered this movie cuz it was my first day of Parish Involvement.. My busmate Bencelle or should I call her.. *Maian*ü recruited me to play keyboards for their choir.. and im proud to be a member of the SMPYC.. (did I get the name right?) ehehe anyway.. Since I haven't practice any of their chosen songs.. I sang with them! Although I admit.. I am a FRUSTRATED SINGER.. hehehe didn't inherit that talent from my mom.. :c then.. I became felicitous of the fact that they've accepted and welcomed me as part of their family! ü
..Back at the Headquarters..
My dad cooked dinner for us.. Or should I say.. "Breakfast".. hehe we ate bacon, egg, corned beef, with matching toasted bread for our carbs.. While my sister was watching Shaman King.. I was at the back.. performing my newfound piece.. *hehe kidding..* entitled Could Not Ask For More by Edwin McCain.. its a very lovely song..ü I kept on practicing it til I got it right.. Though my hands are already aching.. I tried to think that the tip of my fingers are impervious enough to be affected by the strings. But you know what? Music really soothes your soul.. It clears your boggled mind instead of worrying your problems outside. ü then my mom called and told my dad that we had to go home already. So we packed up bringing my dad's guitar. We rode a cab, got home shortly, and kissed him goodbye..
"I wonder who's online?"
I went online and checked my ym. My new friends from the soiree added me up and afterwards, offline messages appeared.. My 'Bet' Ivy messaged me that the results of the USTET were posted already. She gave me the site and of course, I clicked it. *Geez.. I wouldn't skip this for my guts grumbling up inside. So I ran upstairs and searched for my test permit. As I enter my application number.. the first resulted to error. Then I typed my last 5 digits indicated in the permit and whoa! it was a success! my name appeared!
I screamed!! haha then my mind was filled with perplexity that I even hugged my sister and almost crushed her to death! hahaha I passed UST!!! I even passed the course I've always wanted.. My first choice!! ü I was waitlisted for my second choice but who cares?!! I passed my first!! haha My heart was filled with excitement! My thoughts were inculcated saying *Did you just pass??!! Im proud of ya! Let's celebrate!* haha cuz I wasnt expecting this. But I really had faith in it. Right before I was filling the application form, I've made sure that the course that I should pick would be the right one. haha im so glad I passed. Of course, this lessened my tensions. I bagged the school I've been aiming at. I called my dad and he joyously congratulated me. ü Tomorrow.. I guess I'll be telling my grandparents about this. ü
..and Lastly..
How could I forget my super duper cheap! It's her birthday!ü Although I didnt text her the whole day, I can sense that she had a great time..ü Love yah sis!
sooo I guess this ends here.. one more thing.. ALWAYS HAVE FAITH.. in HIM.. ;) signing off..


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