Thursday, January 20, 2005

..enveloped in bitter cold..

bit·ter (btr)
* Causing a sharply unpleasant, painful, or stinging sensation; harsh:
* Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear
* Proceeding from or exhibiting strong animosity
* Resulting from or expressive of severe grief, anguish, or disappointment

acrimony fills the air.. resentment towards my bittersweet colleague.. and of course, what is life without cynicism?
hmm.. i dunno.. feeling jaded makes you realize the important people around you..
the one whom you think that least cares for you.. are actually the ones that'll help you the best way they can so all your troubles and worries will be detached from your infinite thoughts.. that even if it jumbles your fantasies.. it lets you wake up in reality greeting you a "WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD" phrase.. ;p Sometimes.. problems don't usually appear just to be solved on your own. sarcasm.. bitterness.. rancor and emnity are the factors that will lead you to perplexity.. but giving worth to your comrades gradually decreases your grief and despondents in life.. you see.. I live in a world full of shams and deceit. You fawn in order to survive. Giving yourself truly to someone and repays you with betrayal is surely a tough challenge, but it also leaves you experiences that'll be of great use when the same problem arrives again in the near future.
The future..
Yeah.. that's what I'm always thinkin of.. where do I see myself in the next 5 - 10 years.. It matters a lot.. but of course.. you start with the present.. focus.. focus.. stay away from the past.. im not saying forget about it.. but learn from its mistakes.. soo.. along the way you meet people.. some good.. and some.. geez.. 'stay away!' but then you meet this kind of person, wherein you feel this great impact inside.. and whatever you do.. recalling that day you've met each other makes your cheeks turn red and smiles that heighten up.ü All goes well of course at first.. until nature tests you.
the forces of nature..
Whatever you do.. no matter how happy *you're life* is.. there will always be conflicts and new challenges that arise..
there goes the time you treasure most but gets wasted because nature doesn't permit you.. the efforts you put into but the mood just doesn't fit in.. the plans you make to let them feel security while others get ahead and steals them away..
the lesson..
but one thing that ive learned is.. that no matter how strong the forces of nature are.. your grip firmly unmatches it.. no matter how hard they try to remove it from you .. Don't let go.. Especially when the most important thing for you is at stake.. which is **your life** Sooner or later, we may lose it. But the battle does not end there.. It's how you hold on. Stand for what you believe in.. and prove them wrong.. no matter how hard you tried.. at least you have proven yourself that you're worthy enough to be loved. Don't let others affect your view towards *life*.. the hell they know!? Cuz if you lose it.. the next place you'll imagine yourself is the corner of your room.. where you see yourself whining.. crying.. curse everyone else.. especially you..
its a fact that our race is flawed by fraudulence and dubiousness. But this I say to you.. living with your *life* the best way that you can makes it eminent and worth it despite of the imperfections it brings out in you.
Love *your life*.. though sometimes it unpredictably parts.. Are you ready to risk everything just to get it back?
Though I am gradually losing it.. I would.. and I'd pray everyday for the rest of my life, hoping that when it comes back.. it'll be better the second time around..


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