Saturday, January 22, 2005


since im bored.. im surfin for some sites and I'd really like to know more about myself through these quizzes.. ü

Which Marvel Superhero are you?

Hard-worker you are not, you enjoy listening to
music, surfing the web, blowing off homework
till the last possible minute, and other lazy
activities. Even still, you are good at helping
your friends with their problems, and if you
see something goin' on that you think just
isn't right you're not afraid to say something
about it. Unlike how others see you, you have a
lot of potential.

What Shaman King Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Man Of Steel!
You are Superman! A.k.a. Clark Kent. While being
the last of Krypton may have its downs, it also
has some great perks. After a busy day of
saving the world, you usually get to hold the
cute Lois Lane in your arms at least once. ^_^
Not that you would let that distract you. You
are honest, noble, and brave, a true American
hero. Sometimes your "boy scout"
goodie attitude has its downfalls, but more
often then not, it helps teach someone a
valuable lesson, way to be!

What Superman Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Creepppyyy... hehehehe

-- Elektra -- shux! i really love jennifer garner! even in this movie's sequel "Daredevil".. ü

COMING SOON!!! üü Fantastic Four.. Chris Evans as the Human Torch, Michael Chiklis as The Thing, Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman and Ioan Gruffudd as Mr. Fantastic (2005)

**This is soo damn cool in the comic series** I just hope this movie clicks.. ;p
anyway.. im still searchin for some cool sites.. but something tells me that my body needs tah rest first! ;p im off for now.. i'll update this.. maybe later..
ciao! ;)


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