Sunday, September 04, 2005


It's been a lazy week (or month??) for me. I'm sick and tired of doing non-stop plates, transferring to different houses and hearing endless sermons. Oh btw... Our new house is about to finish! I have my own room that brags nothing but the coolest painting my mom bought me recently. hehehe But anyway... I just missed blogging out my daily experiences as well as the moral stuffs i've learned from it; and since I'm too lazy to finish my lettering plate... Here goes.

3 weeks ago... I've gotten used to long-walking trips to Recto. Well... until now, I still look at this place as the shopping central for all my needs. I used to bring my classmates to this store called Deovir's. They have this wide archives of art materials that is cheaper than the stores across our building... And what makes them cool is the capricious space where you can hang-out and even talk with the friendliest people on the block. Then there's this long walk again heading towards the LRT station wherein you see lots of services... services that are very advantageous whenever i'll be needing a last resort for my plates. :p With the start of this habitual practice, i've gotten used to going home very late.

A week ago... An unexpecting twist occured when the truth set out between a past and a present love. Though I didn't mind just for the sake of keeping the solidary environment, it turned out that it wasn't clean (in an honest way) after all. Then of course I wouldn't pacify this any longer, I told myself that i'd be true in whatever I wish to do. I talked to my friends, seeked out for my sanctuary, and consulted for the best advice.

One special day arrived when I began to notice that it was indeed my fear that made me escape all these. I started to realize that i've caused so much damage to my self and to others (emotionally) because I let 'fear' overcome my senses. And with this day, I told myself that i'd make a difference for once. I stood up and began to risk the 'what i've gotten used to' life for the life that should've been faced a long time ago... My ideal life. This time I didn't have doubts... because this time... I was pretty damn sure.

This week has been a hard week for many people. I admit, a part of being selfish has contributed in this damage but honesty dominated the whole of it. At least I have been true to myself. Although there's little hope in getting back the life that really wanted... nevertheless, i'm contented. I'm willing to bring everything back to normal.

The past 3 days i've spent with my hs friends has been the best days of my life! :) This is the time wherein you could finally be happy over something you've missed so much. A very rare moment you'll never forget nor regret. This is the time when you feel like the world stops at the center of your palm with each minute worth priceless... and all you'll ever do is just cherish each other. Haha A little narrative don't you think? And it doesn't end there. Just imagine the feeling of being with your loved ones and you'll get what I mean.

Well going back to reality... Something came into my senses that made me realize the moral lesson of all this...

"Just love and never doubt."

Now I understand. Don't hesitate to what these signs show... and what your feelings show... cuz it's the truth. I hope it's all true... cuz i'm still doing everything to get this old life back.

Signing off.


At 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks.. but the site doesn't make any sense.. I mean.. to your offer. What's it all about? Niwei.. thanks for visiting! :D


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