Thursday, May 10, 2007

28 Weeks Later

If I were to choose how our world would end, it would definitely not be like this:

This is one of the movies i've been dying to see this summer. But after watching this, uh.. I'd rather go see Ms. Potter again. The movie is nice but I'd prefer the first one. However, what scares me most is the fact that this could actually happen in real life. Okay, now i'm taking it way too seriously. Zombies chasing flesh are my factors that make a horror movie effective.. for me. Dawn of the Dead, Prison Cell, 28 Days later... you name it. So if ever you're planning to see this movie.. i'm warning you. Don't eat anything during the movie.

There were some loopholes soo if I were to rank it... 3 to 4 stars.

Next attraction: Shrek the Third :)


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