Wednesday, February 02, 2005

..just a dead kid who lives in this miserable world..

this day was pretty boring.. i kinda lost interest in math lately because of analytical geometry.. I prefer advanced algebra.. niwei what the heck!? just wanna say that for 2 days straight.. going to school was not my kind of idea anymore.. I don't have reasons anymore to wake up in the morning and wash myself from the freezing waters of this fraternal society. I, alone, can feel the cold blooded nature that embraces me with filth and disdain. Neglected and scorned, I wish I could receive the coveted respect once again, so I may find redemption and feel alive the way I used to be. Will revelation into this corrupted kinship be done first in order for this feeling in me be contrived? Do I really deserve this kind of pain im into? They say that when you love someone, you should be ready. At all times. Never assume, never expect and of course, never complain. For it is you who chose it. But why? Shouldn't it be that loving is a matter of give and take? Give joy and take pain in return? Geez.. How could you ever do this?


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