Thursday, June 08, 2006

Surviving : The All Star Cast

What a strange dream... My grandparents usually wake me up at 8am but now its been two days since they let me wake up on my own. I slept at my normal time, which was 12mn. I woke up at 8 then slept, 9... slept again. And 10, another 30 mins... Ok, 10:30. It's final.

It felt like dejavu while waking up. It was mere hallucination when I opened my eyes and saw different people inside the room. For every hour, there's a corresponding situation that I've experienced previously in the past. First, there was my classmate who was using my gramps laptop... I think its because he's a certified ym addict, then my friend Bam who kept asking me what my P.E was, my adprac professor whom I showed my new class sched and shared my "family probs" labo. Even the cast Harry Potter was there saying "Expecto Patronum", changing themselves into butterflies. *weird* My mom's ex boyfriend was there with his "rocker friends". My hs friends were there,(T.22 and Latigos) not to mention Car having a succesfully published book. And of course, the same person that has always been in my dream ever since summer started.

It was an all-star cast alright. Very weird; So weird it had me sweat all over and filled my body with cramps. Oh well, I barely understood what it meant but I only know this...

The people in this dream are those whom I constantly think about. I guess I just miss them :p


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