Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Fuss About Friendship.

They say your friends are the far most stable shield you can hold on to. Well yes, that's true. No point of arguing... But what I don't understand is that there are also those kind of friends in which you open your heart, house and home, and yet take advantage of the goodness inside until there's nothing left for you to cope. Nope, this isn't my story... it's someone else's.

It made me irrigate some land in my head whether the friends I have are the ones who'll stay with me til the end. When my mom told me the feud she had with these people whom she called "her fellow sisters", I was shocked and infuriated with no other reason than to call them backbiters. Nah, i've known from the start who her true friends are.

Anyway, if you were to ask me the definition of friendship, I may answer it in a cliche-ish form or in the connotative way. You do the math. Anyway, I believe that friends have this fleeting, shining, shimmering, splendid aura that whenever you feel like barfing up from tipsy nights, they'll be the ones who'd take you home and kiss your forehead goodnight. Friends are those who support and even help you find your other pair of earrings in the midst of a suspense or action movie. Friends stay when you're sick. Friends accept you whether you're queer, straight, rich, poor or even an alien. They don't ask anything in return, neither demand anything from you. So if you've kept these kind of people, thank heavens you're lucky! Just don't take them for granted. Otherwise, it can go back to you.

So whether they're from your

Grade school

High school

or even College life...

Be thankful for the true ones, but be extra careful from the ones who can hover you down.


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