Thursday, February 03, 2005

..the demand for panacea..

Denying myself from the fact that this life must go on and live the right way won't do any good. Sometimes you have to give way and liberate your cards in order to prove the meaning of what you feel inside.

filled with sights of agony, I ran into the halls of misery and burst into tears unexpectingly in front of my comrades who comforted my infuriated soul. Crying was not my option. Precluding it as much as possible, my plan failed and left me with no choice. I showed this output of appreciation to these eyes, hoping that my message to it be deciphered.
When the bell rang, I lined up to this obliged assembly and stared on the floor the whole time, point-blank, with no means of communication with anyone. After the assembly, our first two period subject was computer. During the first period, I can feel the heat of my hands, blurting out of nowhere as I touch my mentor's arms. She described me as a pale looking being, she sent me to the infirmary and got myself treated for whatever illness I feel. Groggy as it looks, I walked down with my affiliate Portia since she also felt the need to go. The nurse asked me whether to take medicine or not, but later on, I was advised then to rest. I slept with my hands covering my eyes and woke up from my slumber with a smile on my face. Weird as it sounds, but with this short span of time, my dream left me signs that I needed to discover. Later on, I fixed the issues occuring with my friends. Ate brunch and lived life the normal way again.
Realizing the loss of time with my other friends, we bonded and joyfully acted as ADT peepz, full of laughter and insanity to one another. This made me realized that my life was right. You could forget your problems by letting yourself get busy especially when you're with your friends.. c: One friend of mine advised me that moving on was my best option. And I guess that now, I am starting to live with it for the next days of my life.
At the end of the day, my mom was in good mood and brought me to the convent for piano lessons. I shared this to my teacher and played my piece with spirit that concluded to fine remarks! After that, I went home, talked to my trustworthy friend, ate len, with her lovelife and shared lessons from our past experiences.
I hope that this new beginning would prevent me from infliction. (memories, rumors, and news on my past life.) Cuz I know that shutting these doors would help me survive depressing moments with my past life. It is so untrue that what ive experienced these past few weeks brought nothing but incurative wounds. But hope for growing .. and discovery for new astonishments that await.. c:
Thanks.. and I wont forget this...


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