Whoa!!! DEFENSE is finally over... but before that.. lemme give you a recap of yesterday's 'not so peaceful' events...The 7 'o Clock Mass. it was ok.. played a little... we had a long meeting after. Didn't know that we were running out of time to meet the Million Dollar Baby sched in gateway. The good part? we still have 30 minutes to buy food. The bad part? Bringing food from concesionnaires is strictly prohibited.
Inside the movie house.
We had good seats since the movie house was quite full. I sat beside these couples who mingled out the whole movie.. Sheesh! Get a room!!Anyway... Here are some movies next in line to my list of movie marathon-ic deizz for this upcoming summer.
Adrien Brody (my fave!) & Kiera Knightley

So I had another sleepless night... tried to answer the guide questions for the defense as much as possible.
March 07, 2005
Our panelists: Ms. Bengua and Ms. Bernardo... The defense took us 2 hours. Felt the cold air.. But we sure gained a lot of experiences... and learned so many things from them. Couldn't actually believe Ms. Bernardo... she sure is witty! :) anyway.. the whole thing turned out the way we expected.. and at last.. I can finally say... IM GONNA GRADUATE!! :Dand to my GROUPMATES.. GRP 1... we did it! :) Kahit wala si Cho.. :c hehe i want some more Gonuts!!! Vanilla....... Amazing Glazee..... hehehe love you guyz!! mwah!!
... signing off... :)
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