Saturday, April 02, 2005

..bonding with the folks..

I spent the last few days here in my gramps's house. I had fun... and I mean a lot. From the day he told me Kuya Tolits would pick me up at my place to spend the night with my relatives, til tomorrow before my mom picks us up... I could nevertheless feel anything but being at home even before during my childhood years.

I could still remember my childhood memories flourished in these walls. Lying in my pull-out bed, where my lola used to prepare whenever I sleepover during weekends; Practicing my piano classicals every Sunday night before going to school. No watching TV... (since the internet and cellphones were way too complicated for my age.) My grandma would practice me for hours til bedtime in order to discipline myself. But during Saturdays, my gramps would bring me to his roadtrips like in San Pablo for his recollections... and later on, he would treat me out for some Buco Pie. mmmm... :) And when they go out of the country, they'd bring me along to explore with them different cultures and structures that aren't found in our homeland. My gramps would always tease me with his annoying jokes; I get pikon, then start to annoy him. But i'm afraid it'll take us days if you let me elaborate my fun moments with him. ;p Well anyway... to describe him the best... He's like my 2nd Dad. The internal one. And a very brilliant mentor. My classmates would always say we look cute together. It's as if we're like candidates for the best Father-Daughter figure. He was always present in all my needs. Irregardless for some of our financial needs, he and my grandma were always there to support us, and sometimes, catch us when we're one step closer to the pits. But one thing that everyone hated about me was that I was raised being a spoiled brat, especially to my gramps. And the solution to it was the greatest challenge of all time. change. Well now, let's go back and focus more on the present...

Yesterday, we were supposed to go to Megamall to buy a CD case for my smallville collection. Unfortunately, he had a meeting soo I decided to stay in the house. Because of my grandma's exposure to her chemotherapy, the side effects took part in her sense of touch. She was no longer the most independent woman i've ever known but a 60 year old woman whom at her age, needed someone to nurse her needs especially when it comes to opening hard matter. Because of that, she asked me to accompany her in this hawaiian themed party til she reached her seat with her friends. Then I finally left. Back at home, I used my gramps's laptop and surfed to sawa! haha with the freezing temp of the aircon, i've finally pacified excess heat out of this tempestuous environment.

Friday morning I woke up with my cousins and siblings on the floor. Our grandparents' room was so messed up! and after it was fixed, Geez! they're playing the Grudge flick on the console again. It's like i've been watching it for 4 straight days! imagine that. My aunt asked me to join them in their kite-flying activity in Ateneo, but I accompanied my grandma to the hospital instead. As we enter Medical City, she was having a hard time walking especially with the stairs. We waited for hours just to see the doctor. Good thing I brought a Classic of Dante Alighieri's Inferno to read on. When it was their turn, I made kulitan with Kuya Tolits and taught him signals by using time. After the consultation, my gramps treated us some snacks and dropped me off at my house to get more clothes. Next, we went to NBS to find notes / songbooks for the mass. He bought me a CD file instead. As we reach home, we ate first dinner and headed off in front of the church for the celebration of their fiesta. A Bingo was held. I had fun with my cousins and I sure brought out the kid in me during the game. At the end of the bingo night, their parents fetched us and drove us off to my gramps's place. In addition to that, I must say that this wonderwall did a very good job boosting my pertinence of such great events. For the happy thoughts, grins and smiles and continence. And for once, I can say i've taken a break from all these addling events. :)

It's so sad, that in a few hours, we are about to return to the world of reality. Imperfection exists once again though I am thankful for it. Experiencing these wonderful moments, days and seconds of my life will always stand out as the irreplacable memories that will be cherished forever. For with these, I was able to go back to my early childhood... reaching me out, to change the mistakes i've done, and to make the difference by taking good care of these people who have molded me, and be the person they've always aspire me to be. Thanks... :)

Signing off..
-- 22


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