Sunday, July 10, 2005 role as a filipino..

Well it's my blog soo I can blurt out my personal opinions right? hmm.. For me, I feel pity for this country. Yah soo let's say the president cheated. Who didn't right? The opposition whose very well-planned goal was to steal the Filipino's thinking on how or what effect it would take in our country, once the president steps down, would lead the let's say "united" people to bring the president down. But haven't these people knew who to replace next?. So let's say we want this 'man' to take the throne, do you think everyone will be satisfied? We all But one thing that will forever be flowing in a Filipino's blood is activism. basta yun na yun.. Then whenever I think that with everyone's different perceptions on how to solve our country's crisis... It would definitely worsten the situation itself. As I can see it, our country has now been divided into 2 or 3 or more on what solution would be the best for us. Others want the 'Junta', Others want a body rep. Then what purpose does these so-called cabinets bring to the nation? Display? Name? Reputation? Haii.. I felt disappointment with the PGMA's stupid decision. Now she couldn't do anything to convince the whole nation that she didn't do anything wrong. It has been done, and almost everyone wants her to resign. Not only the Masa but also the average people who put blame in her for this unending corruption. But hey, nobody's perfect right? We never had any inerrancy. Then I also observed that we are only left into two options. 1: To impeach the president til everyone gauges war against each other for it's different judgment on who to replace. and 2: To let the President finish her term. Obviously with this option, the effect on it would show that the President herself will be under probation. Therefore, she won't commit this time any form of dirty work. And maybe, with her skills... The country would improve with its participation to other global interns.

Pero yun nga lang. Both will have evil in it. The first one is the evil to take in effect for power to demolish another well-established leader, while the second one is the evil to preserve a leader who committed an offense against the country. Well.. for me, its better to improve one person than the whole nation. Haii.. What'll happen next? :o

That's all... I just want to express it all out. Since the only topic we mostly talk about in this house is politics... Might as well share with not 0nly those who are in confusion but also those in deep sympathy for our land. I am not an activist nor a PRO government whatsoever. I just care about our country's situation and it's chaotic what-if aftermaths. I'm sorry if I miscomprehend people who are against this but again.. It's my blog.. and it's my liberty to express my own opinion.

NYAHA! serious mode amp***!! hahaha kulang na lang magbow. :p

That's all.

Signing off.


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