Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I am so happy because I just got a new bag for McLovin (my ibook) with a bargain price. Of course it's not branded. Why would I spend thousands for the brand if you could get it at a cheap price. Quality perhaps? That is yet to be proven. I hope this bag lasts.. It's so comfy that not only McLovin's happy but also my back. So comfy because of the cushion. Anyway, that's not the real reason why i'm posting an entry.

My grandpa and I went to Greenhills this afternoon to watch National Treasure. Since I Am Legend starts late, we'll watch it on Sunday with our Sunday group. :) So what about National Treasure? It was long.. but fun. :)

I am guilty for loving History-based films and this one is no exception. Although I find the story of part 1 better, part 2 is like I said, fun, thanks to Jon Voight and Helen Mirren. I so love Helen Mirren. Seeing them both reminds me of my grandparents. Jon Voight's chubbiness and loud-toned voice really resembles Papa while Helen Mirren.. Oh my, Mama is that you? That vain, elegant with curly hair. Uhh men, now I missed her. Anyway, Diane Kruger.. hmm.. For a model she is good at acting. I loved the part where she had to distract the white house curator. I'm not telling you. :) Ed Harris was mean!! yeah.. hehe While Nicolas Cage and his sidekick really kicked the genius stuff off. The puzzles were fantastic. The movie was shot in different places. So if you're into treasure hunting, you'd better watch this. This is one hell of a movie best watched with your kids. :)


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