Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I had a Nightmare

And it's freaking me out.

I hate waking up in the middle of the night. Worse is that, when you have a bubu, you can't expect yourself to sleep again. I've been waking up these past few days from 3-5 am. Someone must have manipulated my time zone. :o Anyway, I have this thing for zombies. Human flesh-eating zombies. If there would be a perfect horror film for me, it would be a story of myself hiding and running away from zombies. If Apocalypse would come and hell would break loose, this is the type of scene I wouldn't want to happen to the world. In short, I love yet hate movies such as I am Legend, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead and the list goes on. I had a nightmare that pertains to the concept of I am Legend. Humans walk by day and these Devouring fleshees at night. Some survived in the city, through underground and well.. Just think of Will Smith's character in I am Legend. Zombies if I may use the term are also afraid of the light. (Oh please, I hope Science stops searching for the cure that will kill us all.)

My friend Monique and I were running towards the end door when one devour (I think that's a good name for our monsters) almost grabbed us. We were able to escape because one skilled survivor saved us. We waited til dawn until the sun rose at its highest. I even dreamt of my favorite prof who was with us but got bitten in the arm. I couldn't take it. Anyway, the survivor brought us to this hiding place where I saw my grandpa. I cried so much I didn't stop. Then a few days later, someone sent me a letter through snail mail. *dunno how that became possible* It was my mom. She claims that she wants to see us and can provide shelter and protection but only for a few days since the "shelter" could only provide three members per family. We went there and saw Kobe. When the time came that we had to go back, I got so scared because we might get chased by devours again. Then I was touched, because my grandpa came to fetch us. He travelled by day.. Oh I forgot to mention, these devours too only appear by night.. Only when you're being followed. So it is best to travel by day. Anyway, we offered him to stay first although we were already breaking rules. We stayed for a night until the morning and we bid goodbye because I can't be late for my next class. Weird cuz there's still school. Actually, the world is adjusting to the change. Advertising worked by word-of-mouth *during the day*, print media and that's it. No TV.

I don't know what happened next because I woke up hearing the clashing gates of my neighbor. I was so freaking out that I began imagining it as how devours would get you if they're able to trace you.

Wah, now i'm gonna stop. I'm gonna sleep again. I'd rather dream my test in ADPRAC rather than this. Goodnight.. err.. Goodmorning again.


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