Friday, February 04, 2005

..amercement of history..

The first day I lived to bring back the old Juz that vanished from this visible world wasn't that bad at all. There were only 3 of us who were present at that time. Kai , Mau , and me.. One of our comrades needed help due to unfortunate circumstances. *1/2 you can do it! just listen deeper to yourself and you'll find the answers you need.* *25: thanks for the treat! we really enjoyed it.. labyu! hehehe* hmm.. a quick recap for this day's scenarios:

- too bad we didn't have internet period today.. :c
- Physics time and our Prof tempestuously scolded my friends because of their hilarious line "Vwhere is the Oil!?" :p haha GO VALENE! :p
- math.. not my type of subject anymore..
- english.. WE MIRACULOUSLY DIDN'T HAVE GRAMMAR AND WRITING!! instead, we discussed this poem..
To Daffodils
(the poem written by Robert Herrick about dying *nice*)
Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, stay,Until the hasting day
Has runBut to the even-song;
And, having pray'd together,
weWill go with you along.
We have short time to stay,
as you,We have as short a spring;
As quick a growth to meet decay,
As you, or anything.
We die as your hours do,
and dryAway,
Like to the summer's rain;
Or as the pearls of morning's dew,
Ne'er to be found again.
* and im also excited for our upcoming activity cuz we'll be composing songs through our answers about this poem. c; *
- Research *da bomb!* Kai and some of our friends smuggled Nagaraya and ate it during thesis works.. hehehe one word ang-ANG-HANG.. hehehe
- Economics.. recitation.. this subject is not really for me..
After our club meetings, Kai and Mau informed me that our food was already there. We hid behind the bounded pavements of the plaza and ate as if there was no tomorrow!! *haha takaw ever!!*
- then my bus left me. Fortunately, Mau volunteered to drop me home. I bonded with her and of course with her tubbie.. and had a great time! laughing.. and of course.. the unavoidable topic of reminiscing.. Afterwards, it was my friend Mellai who dropped me off at my house.
- For the last time, these eyes confirmed the final step on letting this fantasy dissolve and wake up in the reality of moving on towards the future.. Sad.. But I guess this is how life works..
and soo does my entry ends here.. im glad that helping out a friend of mine imposed as an outlet that resulted to this feeling of contentment. I hope you'd like it del! ;)
Signing off...


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