.. slumber ..

I wish i've succeeded the Letras Y Figuras... (combining different images to portray my own style of the Philippines)
Since i've finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia (which I still recommend this book to everyone)... I am currently reading..
I find this book hmm... full of vim. :p Unfortunately, I haven't watched the movie.. Although I remember seeing the older version with the grown-ups.
And since i'm 3/4 done.. the next book i'm planning to read is..
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (yep.. the author of Narnia)
One of C.S. Lewis' most imaginative creations, this world-famous book is a humorous correspondence between the devil Screwtape and his apprentice Wormwood, whose job is to produce a human's soul for eternity in hell. Filled with astute insights into temptation, repentance, and grace, this wonderful tale intelligently explores what it means to live a good, honest life and is a favorite of Lewis fans.
I'm a little 'hooked up' with art and literature... thanks to this very influential person. :p hehehe But since classes are resuming on Wednesday, I may not update this blog as consistent as these past few days.. I'll edit this entry sometime with pictures.. :p As of now...
hehehe the last pic is my bro Kobe with our pretty cousin Andie while taking a shower..
Kids... :p
Ow.. before I forget.. Thanks Kate for the gift.. I really appreciate it.. and uhm.. I hope you're happy now. :) good luck. :) speaking of happy.. happy pala.. bleh! :p
Signing off.. the younglings are waiting..
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