Monday, January 02, 2006

.. slumber ..

Today is a very happy day! ΓΌ My cousins are staying overnight at our house and used the first half of the time bonding with them and the rest on my typography plate. Whew! I feel soo relieved cuz it's finally done.

I wish i've succeeded the Letras Y Figuras... (combining different images to portray my own style of the Philippines)

Since i've finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia (which I still recommend this book to everyone)... I am currently reading..

I find this book hmm... full of vim. :p Unfortunately, I haven't watched the movie.. Although I remember seeing the older version with the grown-ups.

And since i'm 3/4 done.. the next book i'm planning to read is..

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (yep.. the author of Narnia)

One of C.S. Lewis' most imaginative creations, this world-famous book is a humorous correspondence between the devil Screwtape and his apprentice Wormwood, whose job is to produce a human's soul for eternity in hell. Filled with astute insights into temptation, repentance, and grace, this wonderful tale intelligently explores what it means to live a good, honest life and is a favorite of Lewis fans.

I'm a little 'hooked up' with art and literature... thanks to this very influential person. :p hehehe But since classes are resuming on Wednesday, I may not update this blog as consistent as these past few days.. I'll edit this entry sometime with pictures.. :p As of now...

hehehe the last pic is my bro Kobe with our pretty cousin Andie while taking a shower..

Kids... :p

Ow.. before I forget.. Thanks Kate for the gift.. I really appreciate it.. and uhm.. I hope you're happy now. :) good luck. :) speaking of happy.. happy pala.. bleh! :p

Signing off.. the younglings are waiting..


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