Friday, November 18, 2005


I'm in the library with my blockmates doing a research on wordiness. Thanks to my studious attitude (ulul..) i'm done. And now I all I need to do is e-mail it to my partner Tina (who happens to sit right beside me...). Haha I'm just getting the feel of typing in their smooth keyboard. :)

Whoo.. I'm soo happy our prof suspended perspective class. I'm off at 3 to St. Paul and meet Valene... haha i'm gonna introduce Kate to her. :p Then chill for a while at Tazzina. Kulitan blues ba.. and then the usual... Habulin ang curfew. :p Haii i'm soo frustrated with the status quo. See, I can't even make it to my college party! It's my opportunity if ever to play for this band and for the rest of the professionals to see me prove what I can do. Well that's my last resort. My top priority is to be able to make it in Kai's debut. :c waahhh... What's happening to the world lately? It's as if my mom has gone paranoid and suddenly blamed me for all her misfortunes. Nah.. I guess it was just my fault. Stupid me... If I only knew this would happen.. I should've texted her. In that way, I would've made it to any of these celebrations. Now I feel like i'm a loser. Well.. on the other hand, my life's not that bad. At least there are still some who won't mind staying with you... and i'm thankful for that. Cuz if it weren't for them... My life is worse as hell.

Anyway, I hope I can still see the Festival of Arts. It's a parade wherein you see the higher years wear different costumes. I dunno if there's cosplay. But i'm sure there'll be floats like the flintstone cars... etc. Astig... hehe

My e-mail has finally arrived. My pal Lainey sent me this.. hahaha told you we were doing some research.. :p

I'm signing off...

Kai: I'm really sorry if I can't make it. Takas is not available in my options thanks to "her". I promise i'll make up to you... I'm sure you're party's gonna be a blast. :) Have fun...


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