Thursday, December 29, 2005

.. joy to thy world ..

Before the holiday ends, let me share this story which made me realize that the spirit of Christmas never dies...

There was a kid whom everyone thinks she's a grown-up. All she ever dreamed of is finding her own "best-of-place". She came from a family that was broken many years ago and grew up with her mother and siblings. Time passed then one Christmas morning arrived. She went out with her father and sister and obviously, they were very much excited to see each other. Meeting only once in every 3 months, the kid with her dad spent quality time talking about their day-to-day experiences and fantastic stories they both encountered while being apart. Then the dad got the kid his gift that charged her energy even more. In short, the kid really loved the gift.

It was a book of the kid's favorite artist, Alex Ross. Then her dad asked them to go with him to the grocery to buy food. (When you say grocery, it gives you the impression of buying all the necessities.. MEANING: buting stuffs you only NEED. But theirs was different..) Each time they do this routine, the dad allows the kid to get anything she wants especially her favorite snack: the Lay's Classic.

Out of all the stuffs they bought, there were probably 2 essentials in the basket.

But anyway, the real story begins..

As they pay for their grocery, this kid saw the most beautiful picture she had ever seen.

As you can see, if you could make a story out of this lovely scene... It'll only cost you a sentence or less... But when you focus more on the act itself, no words can come up to perfectly describe their situation. You can actually feel the father's love for his child while her mommy's away.. then with the dad's hug... the little girl feels more secured and well taken care of.

So when the kid saw this, she realized that Christmas is not yet really over. Neither the impression of it as a gift-giving occasion. It was the 25th of December when this kid showed her real emotions to her dad and hugged him with her sister. Her 'Happily-ever-after' scene was continued by enjoying each second with her dad and sis. They slept at his little place until the next day, they both parted ways and went back to reality.

For most people, this extraordinary event is just a normal situation in their everyday life. But for a kid like me who only experiences this once in a lifetime... Priceless.

Love your family and never let it break up. No matter what.

Thanks for this day dad. I don't care about the past nor the future.. It's present that really matters. This entry is for you. ü

Happy Holidays everyone! ü

Signing off.


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