Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What a day!

My body woke up as soon as the sun rose and until now, my eyes are still alive. I should be sleeping... resting for tomorrow's tedious promise. But then again I can't. Not until I blurt out all these thoughts inside.

*Okay cut! that's a wrap* Was my intro too heavy to bear? Very well.. I'll try to be as specific as I can. :)

Today is Monique's birthday! In case you don't know her, she's the very lucky lady whom Aina and I are with every inuman sessions.

Happy birthday shocker! hahaha

Anyway as I was saying... We had a really tough time doing our AD3 plate. It's about this company called the "GTZ". They are trying to promote their services by showcasing the company through an upcoming trade fair / exhibit in the WTC. We are assigned to design a booth and make a 300k-budget to be made by our beloved... selves. So... almost everyone went through this painstaking task of manually / digitally rendering our own booths. And since I am not that good in manual rendering.. Lemme show you how I did it the digital way.

Image size was supposed to be 6x10..

And because we love our dear Monique so much, I met Ging and Glai 2 hours after at UST's nearest mall... San Lazaro. We bought her favorite cake, favorite candies and of course, her idol... Whom I cannot say. :p Anyway, the whole adventure was a laughtrip. I'm too lazy to elaborate.

AD3. I hate that subject. After Monique's surprise, I was supposed to go to the nearest printing shop and get my plate done. Unfortunately, there was a 'random' call to present our concepts in front of the class. "Lucky" me, I was the first one. And because I still don't have my plate in my dear hands, I was deducted five points. It ruined my day. All that effort shit for nothing. So as I enter the printing shop.. I saw Aina. The shop was full of people and the line? WAAAAYYYY TTTOOOO LOOONNNNGGG. Just imagine a presentation without yourself inside the class because you had to wait for your turn... which will probably take you 48 years. After an hour I noticed one of the shop's employee and remembered his face. Luckily, he lives in the same village as I do. Anyway, he gave me the chance to print my plate so did Aina's. When we went back, I presented mine and received a score of 1.0 for the concept; and 1.2 for the presentation. Yeah baby! Fucking minus five. hehe

Surprisingly our prof treated us 2 boxes of chicken from Savory's. Btw, our prof already gave us our final plate. And that is.. to change the corporate identity of Savory's Restaurant. We had to pair up.. I was supposed to ask Aina but my blockmate Beijhan asked her first. I thought she agreed so I asked Monique instead. Later on, I found out that Aina was still thinking about it.. whether to choose me or Beijhan. Oh well, at least our new fans club will be happy. :p haha

That's two down. I still haven't done my PD thumbs. Our next plate is designing and creating an indigenous-inspired pasalubong pack. Wish me luck. Tomorrow my groupmates and I will discuss and layout our magazine ads for adprod. I am so overwhelmed with that plate. Imagine, creating a magazine of your choice! Well, i'm glad my groupmates have agreed with our theme... And it's all about movies! Yey!

Wow, I feel like i've been typing for the last few hours. Does it really take this long? Oh forgive me.. last 60 minutes lang pala. :) I'll stop na. I might not have anything left to share for tomorrow's tedious promise. :)

I feel relieved. It's like releasing all the sweat inside. Oops, that's not lady-like. Just think of it as a metaphor. :p

Whoo.. No money. No honey. No granny or grampy. What a life. What a day!


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