Sunday, June 05, 2005

..a time to pamper yourself..

"Knowledge comes from finding the answers, yes, but understanding what the answers mean is what brings wisdom. Men who didn’t understand the difference have been the ruin of some of the world’s greatest civilizations."

And it will take me 365 and 1/4 days then years and so on til forever to find out my own true meaning. But that pure thinking is not for today. Cuz it's a sunday! and a break to reward the positives i've achieved before my summer vac ends.

My mom brought us to Bench Fix. Obviously, to fix our damp and ugly hair. I needed to dye my silver strands as for my sis, she needed a hot oil for her relaxed yet stiff hair. She was also able to convince her bf's son Tj by treating him a new hairdo... It turned out as a success. ;)

When they were all done, I was the only one left unfinished because of the permacolor's allotted time in order to take effect. After that, they made a 10 minute hot-oil so the hair won't dry up. DAW... then trimmed my bangs cuz it grew longer since my last haircut. It ain't over yet... I still had to get my eyebrows threaded up cuz the nike logo was about to form in shape. Ewww... haha and since when did I get to care for my eyebrows?? :o And after long tiring hours of waiting for my fam... Finally, it was done.

My mom bought her bf a new and modest nokia phone since his old one broke. But poor mom, she almost passed out. She wasn't feeling well and it worstens every time she moves... leading her to headaches and sore throats. We still had to go to NBS to buy some school supplies. And I must say, their branch in Anapolis sucks! it's just like an express even worse. But for the bright side... I got myself 2 cheap Superman comics! wahaha :p Anyway... She decided to treat us for dinner at Chilli's. Their bottomless nachos and buffalo wings rock! :p Then we had to go home to catch up her primer. The Making of Kampanerang Kuba. haha She sure looks thinner on TV... Or.. maybe it's just the girdle? :o haha kidding mom..

Soo now I have to end this cuz tomorrow, i'll be going out with my friends as our last gimik before school. I just wish it'd be fun... cuz i'm really hoping to watch Sin City on the big screen. Oh yeah.. not to mention I have to do some more last minute shopping for my school stuffs. :s I have to sleep na.... d(-_-)b ZzZzZzZz

Signing off.


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