Thursday, December 29, 2005

.. helga. ..

This is our mom's Christmas gift to us. Meet 6-week old...


Half Golden Retriever / Half German Shepherd:
She eats, she scratches, she even pees and poops everywhere.

And most of all...

We love her! ü

Welcome to the family Helga... Sana'y tumagal ka sa aming tahanan. :p

Signing off.

.. joy to thy world ..

Before the holiday ends, let me share this story which made me realize that the spirit of Christmas never dies...

There was a kid whom everyone thinks she's a grown-up. All she ever dreamed of is finding her own "best-of-place". She came from a family that was broken many years ago and grew up with her mother and siblings. Time passed then one Christmas morning arrived. She went out with her father and sister and obviously, they were very much excited to see each other. Meeting only once in every 3 months, the kid with her dad spent quality time talking about their day-to-day experiences and fantastic stories they both encountered while being apart. Then the dad got the kid his gift that charged her energy even more. In short, the kid really loved the gift.

It was a book of the kid's favorite artist, Alex Ross. Then her dad asked them to go with him to the grocery to buy food. (When you say grocery, it gives you the impression of buying all the necessities.. MEANING: buting stuffs you only NEED. But theirs was different..) Each time they do this routine, the dad allows the kid to get anything she wants especially her favorite snack: the Lay's Classic.

Out of all the stuffs they bought, there were probably 2 essentials in the basket.

But anyway, the real story begins..

As they pay for their grocery, this kid saw the most beautiful picture she had ever seen.

As you can see, if you could make a story out of this lovely scene... It'll only cost you a sentence or less... But when you focus more on the act itself, no words can come up to perfectly describe their situation. You can actually feel the father's love for his child while her mommy's away.. then with the dad's hug... the little girl feels more secured and well taken care of.

So when the kid saw this, she realized that Christmas is not yet really over. Neither the impression of it as a gift-giving occasion. It was the 25th of December when this kid showed her real emotions to her dad and hugged him with her sister. Her 'Happily-ever-after' scene was continued by enjoying each second with her dad and sis. They slept at his little place until the next day, they both parted ways and went back to reality.

For most people, this extraordinary event is just a normal situation in their everyday life. But for a kid like me who only experiences this once in a lifetime... Priceless.

Love your family and never let it break up. No matter what.

Thanks for this day dad. I don't care about the past nor the future.. It's present that really matters. This entry is for you. ü

Happy Holidays everyone! ü

Signing off.

Friday, December 23, 2005 gifts..

Hmm.. I was thinking of joining Multiply cuz i'm soo tired of copy-pasting pictures. Accdg. to my friend Mau, multiply's services are way better when it comes to uploading pics. But somehow I feel attached to this journal already. Hahaha This is my lovelife anyway...

Hmm.. I just want to post this piece of work that I made for my grandparents. Since I can't think of a nice gift... my mom suggested on making them a self-portrait. Well.. here goes nothing.

I chose my favorite medium... pencils. I was supposed to use watercolor but I feared that this 4-hour portrait might just go to waste. That's my grandma on the left and my grandpa on the right. For those of you who already knew my gramps... I removed his wrinkles and teared off a little fat. Hahahaha


I usually make this christmas wishlist a day before Christmas just to make me realize what I really strive to earn for the holidays.

I already got the first one which I bought in C.A.T.S. collectibles yesterday.

500 pages of Classic DC Superman from the 1950's & 1960's. Black & White.

The second one is the book that i've been searching for these past few weeks because I still can't read the last part of the Chronicles of Narnia. I just wish our trip today at the mall would pay off.

Silver Chair: Chronicles of Narnia, #6 by C. S. Lewis

The third one is another book. But this one serves only as a guide to understand everything about Narnia.

This peerless guide has served as an adventurer’s passport to the land of Narnia for twenty-five years.From Aslan, the Great Lion, to Zardeenah, the mysterious lady of the night, this comprehensive and accessible companion contains hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries covering all the characters, events, places, and themes that Lewis magically wove into his timeless and magical world.

That's all. Hahaha i'm a little bookish these days thanks to this person. I don't know how or why but I admit that I was merely influenced by the fun it causes and of course the knowledge it brings.

Little by little, I am beginning to embrace this habit of being a collector, cuz I know, I was raised to be one. :p

Signing off.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

..advent-ure and pasku-HAN..

As the preparation for the paskuhan continues.. let the pictures tell you our experiences; However, there are also events that I consider as the best ones and of course, the worst case scenarios.

Day 4: AD1-10's Christmas Party

Then of course, it's back to work.

Starting off with the cartridge.

Ohhh yes.. paper matsei..

Day 5: Cramming up!

Bumming around in the school gallery. ( I think this is the 3rd year students of Interior Design's thesis)

And then I rested with my friends at the "foam" and played around with my new cam. Totally stress-free.

Playing around with Madz, Lainey, RD, Louie and Tina...

Aina and Ging stayed in my house for a while and tried the snow effects using Perla but it didn't work. Slept at 4 am.


We were all as usual cramming up but I guess it turned out as a positive result. We started at 9 and ended up til 3. The parade started at 3 and the whole party ended at 8. (for me.. since I was pardoned from my semestral exile.)

This is our props. (The tunnels, boxes, mushrooms, stars.. YOU NAME IT!)

And this.. is 1-7 's creation. Their theme is Kampanerang Hunchback.

This is me with Koopa's foot being demonstrated by my good friend Camille. And on the right are the chosen peepz for CFAD's additional effects as they perform on the street dance competition.

This is 1-1 and 1-11's creation: NARNIA and E.T.?! (WTF?!)

The making of Mario.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures on the parade. But no worries, I got more pics after. papahuli ba naman ako?? :p

Mario and Luigi ; King Koopa

With my 1-7 friends Mich and Bench. (Sykharma is that you!?!) :p

Playing with the turtle's mask; the Production ; with my friend Tash.

Malabo lang yan, But one thing's for sure... We are the ones behind that creativity. :p wahaha

This is UST at night. (particularly Paskuhan night)

The whole thing was a success. For the 4th time... CFAD WON! we won! whuhoo!! 30k and incentives on our plates!! whohoo!!!

The 8- 10 minute fireworks!

Pics with my friend Monique! UST's biggest source of light... The Christmas Tree.

Kulitan with the dormant props. (1-7's Kampana; 1-4's Sentinel; and 1-10's box)

Even saw asawa Portia there ; And bonded with my best friend Rosz!!

Haii... Paskuhan was great! (Free food, champs in the competition, 8-10 minute fireworks) and not only because of its success.. it was also our last day of classes! whohoo!! Now i'm gonna get more sleep this time w/o any interruptions. I had the best day with great friends.. I'll never forget this moment.

Signing off.