Thin Ice.
I had a very bad dream and i'm gonna share it while the images stay fresh on my mind.We were in our house and there were lots of people. The dining area was replaced with tables and the whole setup looked like a children's party scenario. I was sleeping all the time or should I say pretending to sleep because we were in a hostage situation. "The carver" (from Nip/Tuck)

chooses his victims and immediately slashes his/her lips that looks like this:

Scary as it looks I could hear the screams on the room. Then he tried waking me up. He was good to me at first but I couldn't help but sleep. He applied face paint and even asked me what color I like. But in the end, he chose yellow and applied on the left part of my eye. And then I felt the tool dentists mostly use, wherein he hung on the right side of my mouth. One slash and i'm like on the picture above. My heart was beating so fast so I requested if I could go to the bathroom first since I slept and haven't peed. I knew he was trusting me but still accompanied me to my grandpa's bathroom. There, my aunt went out because she happened to pee too. The "Carver" talked to her and that's when I started to run.
He chased me and told me he never thought I'd betray him so I was gonna get it. But thanks to the fact that its our house, I didn't think twice on where I was going to. The entrance door was jammed as he moved in closer. Then I slowed down as he did too saying lines such as "you have no where to go and stuff". But luckily, the door opened. I got chairs to block him out and there was this guy on a white collared shirt where he just stared at me. Though I thought of him as his goon. I ran so fast and saw the opened gates. (Take note:
opened ) I stepped on a wall and was able to go out faster. On the streets he was still chasing me. I went down the block of Mapagkumbaba St. (our street) and though I could turn left or right it was very weird because I went straight up a house and started running on the roofs. I still felt he was chasing me but I could feel my feet running on air.
Then I woke up with my heart beating so fast that I lost my appetite for breakfast.
PBB Celebrity Edition: Riza Santos
The girl who is prim and proper is my bet. :)

hehe :)
I think i've been food poisoned.As soon as I hit the mills my tummy began to hurl like a washing machine. I therefore went to the lavatory and spilled half of what I ate today. That's good.. I think. But as soon as I started gymming, it really felt like hell's playing over me. I believe I got it either from Mcdonald's chicken or Manong suki's fishballs. You be the judge.
For the first time, I was able to watch PBB's uber. Funny how Mariel Rodriguez showed her true self by being.. herself. Some viewers might get annoyed but i'm having fun watching her. Anyway, a new love team is starting to develop and its between Victor Basa and Gabby deLa Merced. Okay, poor Megan. There might even be a triangle. oww my tummy hurts.
We went to podcentral today and almost bought the 3rd generation Nano from apple. But then, my grandpa said I should wait for my uncle to arrive because we'll ask him to buy in the U.S. I hope he's right.. I don't want to waste the discounts they're giving us that will end on Sunday. Oh well, I should learn how to have faith.. at least they're getting me a red one.
We also went to Metrowalk to buy classic movies for one of our relatives. Unfortunately, there was a raid so no classics.. Only modern. I bought a creative suite installer (hopefully it works) 1st and 2nd season of Boston Legal and 1st to 4th season of Niptuck. This is gonna be a couch potato-ish lifestyle for the remaining 2 weeks. :)
That's all for now. My girlfriends and I are planning to have a sleepover this Monday before enrollment. Sana tuloy. :)
i'm BACK.
I'm bringing sexy back.. yeah! If you're with me, you'd probably hear this line almost everyday for the past 2 weeks. Alas the sem has ended. It was so fuckin hard that I missed blogging for almost a month. Last two weeks were suicidal. Okay im exaggerating but if you were in my position, you'd realize that you had just spent your last two weeks in an isolated place called 'ghetto' where every second counts. No gym, no net, just pure work.
Sleepless nights were doubled with anxiety. But it was worth it. I passed every fuckin work. Except for logic i guess. hehe But anyway, vacation started last Friday. I was supposed to resume my work at Javi's yesterday but my aunt told me they won't be needing another crew member. Good thing cuz my grandpa has arrived! Road trip kung road trip. But I do wish my two wishes would be fulfilled.
Aside from that, my life as a screen junkie has returned. I am currently addicted to Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition. This is in fact the only edition that I get "hooked" at. I have five bets. Yayo Aguila because she shows goodness naturally.. Victor Basa because of his humility.. Ruben because of his comic antics, Will and Riza because of their looks and likeable characteristics. I'd love to kick out the 2-in-1 housemates. hehe
Anyway, I can sense that my sembreak won't be boring. Oh god I wish my regular schedule for gym would return. Papa and PBB are the factors why I am struggling from motivating myself unlike when I started.
That's all for now.. :)