Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Spideyman Returns.

Another 'most awaited' movie since Superman Returns. But this time... crossover muna ko. I'm looking forward to see:

Spiderman 3

I got this on http://uk.comics.ign.com/articles/720/720542p1.html check it out if ya want.

July 23, 2006 - Every year San Diego holds one main event for the fans. Last year we were treated to King Kong and Tenacious D. This year we got Sam Raimi and Spider-Man 3. In front of a packed house of 7,000 rabid nerds, Raimi brought out the stars of his movie: Kirsten Dunst, Bryce Dallas Howard, Thomas Hayden Church, Topher Grace and Tobey Maguire all joined the blockbuster director.

Simply put, Raimi tore down the house with a sneak preview of the movie. He played a clip that took everything from the original trailer and extended those moments. We discovered who threw the pumpkin bomb. We see more of Sandman and what seems to be his motive in the movie. We see more of Peter Parker's anguish.
And we see Venom.


In many ways, a quote from Aunt May is going to frame the entire film. At the start of the teaser we saw, she says "Uncle Ben would not want us to live with revenge in our hearts." This not only applies to Peter's losses in the first two movies, but also to Eddie Brock's history and childhood.

"I had been objecting to the lack of humanity [in Venom]… in studying him I gained an appreciation for him," said Raimi. "Venom has always been a character that the fans love… that's why he's in here."

While Raimi described the basic inclusion of Venom, Topher Grace provided the key element which made Venom the right villain for this third installment. Grace mentioned that Eddie Brock is a similar character to Peter Parker. He is a mirror to Parker in many ways with both of them working at the same place and having the same tastes in women. The difference between the two is that Eddie Brock has a terrible childhood.

This version of Venom's alter ego seems to be an amalgamation of Venom stories. The core universe's Eddie Brock is a peer of Peter's, though not necessarily a mirror. The Ultimate version is more of a Peter but without a sense of morality. The cartoon's Eddie Brock was relatively faithful to the comic, though his origin varied, as did the core Venom from his ultimate counterpart.

The extended San Diego preview clearly established a sequence of events. Although not directly tied to the "origin of Venom" scene, we do see Eddie Brock in a church, praying to God for the death of Peter Parker. A theory here is that the "Dark Peter" steals Gwen who happens to be Eddie's love interest. Venom first appears in the trailer when Peter drives the symbiote from his body via sonics. The creature then leaks down from the tower, landing on Brock, who then turns into Venom.

The facial design of Venom seemed pretty solid for such an early state. The artists clearly took inspiration from those who designed the character originally. Much of the trademark features remain, including the tongue. The trailer seemed to show a sleek Venom, though it remains to be seen if something in this movie version allows him to grow in size (mass, not height). We will see what other powers he gains or carries over from the symbiote's time with Spider-Man.
The panel that followed the trailer revealed one other semi-major plot point: at some point, Venom captures Mary Jane. We know it's absolutely the most shocking thing you've ever read, but we live for twists like this.


We did not learn too much about Sandman save for three facts - he gets owned by Black Suit Spider-Man, he seems to be a sympathetic villain (or perhaps an anti-hero), and he looks incredible.

Sony showed a promotional poster that depicted Sandman bracing himself for some sort of assault. The picture shows his back, and we can see he is pushing a child behind him. Thomas Hayden Church mentioned that his character has a wife and family, so perhaps Sandman is attempting to save his son.

It is also important to notice the timeline that is established by Peter Parker's suit. Unless he drives the suit and "regains" it (which is very possible given the comics), then we can see that Spider-Man has a huge battle in the subways and sewers prior to losing his suit. The trailer showed several battle pieces including one where Spider-Man is holding Sandman's head against a speeding subway car. As the car passes, it smashes and destroys more and more of Sandman's face. Another moment seems to show Sandman being flooded by water and being sucked into a device.

And the special effects were very impressive, despite the fact that we have nearly a year to wait.

Peter Parker / Spider-Man

Peter, you are a bad, bad boy. Even in these two glimpses, we can definitely see a Spider-Man that is more vicious and willing to do what he wants and what it takes to get the job done. He begins to fall for Gwen. His tactics against Sandman are rather ruthless (despite Sandman's relatively invulnerable status).

And just who threw that pumpkin bomb at Harry's face? Peter Parker… unmasked, and in his black suit.

Tobey refused to go into detail about Peter's insanity, but clearly he's going to sink to some new lows.


If we had to choose one word to capture the essence of the first Spider-Man film, it would be "loss." "Responsibility" would seem to sum up the second. From what we've seen, "revenge" seems to be appropriate for this third installment. Eddie seeks justice against Peter for unknown crimes. We're wondering if Sandman is trying to save people from a darker Spider-Man. Peter Parker himself is seeking revenge for all the wrong done to him in his life. Likewise, Harry Osborn seeks to balance his life by seeking retribution. Sam Raimi was quick to point out, however, that Harry becomes neither the Green Goblin nor the Hobgoblin (speaking of which, you guys, Harry Osborn was never the Hobgoblin in the comics, so give it a rest). Raimi indicated that Harry straddles a line that hovers near sinking to his father's chaos, but doesn't quite get there. The guilt over his father's criminal legacy creates a balance to his desire for vengeance.

We can't wait to see where things go from here. Sony unveiled promotional posters for each character at the panel. Mary Jane's depicted her tangled in a web that was made out of some sort of barbed wire. Gwen Stacy was shown in college, studying hard. Venom was shown, tortured by his monstrous existence. The trailer was merely a teaser, showing us footage that was still in a very rudimentary form. Despite that, we saw amazing potential, and the peak at Venom demonstrated that visually Raimi's team knows what it is doing. We might be worried about the story, but again Sam and his group have a great grasp on some excellent character traits and designs. If Eddie Brock is shaped correctly, he could easily become a character that lives up to his popularity level.

May 2007 cannot come fast enough.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Talk about saving. Why is it I can't control myself when it comes to superheroes?.. All I know is that Barbie Lois Lane keeps on playing hide and seek with me. What's new? They ran out of stock again. And how about that Jack Sparrow? Nada. So what did I get out of my frustration? shempre meron. I want to be satisfied once and for all so I bought:

No regrets.. But I had a hard time choosing this over that hardbound Superman memorabilia. Size matters eh. I can't show it to my grandpa otherwise he'll make me pay for my own ticket. Ticket for what?

Cleveland Heep, a modest building manager, rescues a mysterious young woman from danger and discovers she is actually a narf--a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the treacherous journey from our world back to hers. Cleveland and his fellow tenants start to realize that they are also characters in this bedtime story. As Cleveland falls deeper and deeper in love with the woman, he works together with the tenants to protect his new fragile friend from the deadly creatures that reside in this fable and are determined to prevent her from returning home.

I was having a hard time to decide whether if it's in the suspense section or the sci-fi genre.. but anyway, I liked it. I dunno for you guys out there who got disappointed at Shyamalan's other movies esp. the Village. Lady in the Water is the type of movie I would bother to watch all over again and laugh at the very adorable Cleveland Heep, Paul Giamatti. ( I so love him..) Story (Bryce Dallas Howard) is non-chalantly beautiful... and sexy. :p Even the writer/producer/director is also there, acting too. Basta, I liked it. And again... No regrets.

juz: toys or comics?

carl: uhm...

carl: comics..

juz: haha ohh??

juz: bkt?

carl: comics are composed of toys...

carl: hmm...

carl: teka...

juz: haa.. haha astg na theory yan ah

carl: if you have a toy you can make your own comics...

carl: comics...

juz: but if u have comics.. u wont get bored?

juz: haha labo

carl: hahaha...

juz: nkklito eh

carl: a detached arm of a toy can be glued back but cannot be moved anymore...

carl: but a lost comic page can still be taped back and can still be read...

juz: YEBOI!!!

carl: hahahaha...

juz: ok i shall quote u for that.

carl: convinced?...

juz: taena pwede pang blog! malagay ko nga.

Thank you carl.. big help. :)

So when will I get to buy my two most wanted toys? I have no idea...

The Fuss About Friendship.

They say your friends are the far most stable shield you can hold on to. Well yes, that's true. No point of arguing... But what I don't understand is that there are also those kind of friends in which you open your heart, house and home, and yet take advantage of the goodness inside until there's nothing left for you to cope. Nope, this isn't my story... it's someone else's.

It made me irrigate some land in my head whether the friends I have are the ones who'll stay with me til the end. When my mom told me the feud she had with these people whom she called "her fellow sisters", I was shocked and infuriated with no other reason than to call them backbiters. Nah, i've known from the start who her true friends are.

Anyway, if you were to ask me the definition of friendship, I may answer it in a cliche-ish form or in the connotative way. You do the math. Anyway, I believe that friends have this fleeting, shining, shimmering, splendid aura that whenever you feel like barfing up from tipsy nights, they'll be the ones who'd take you home and kiss your forehead goodnight. Friends are those who support and even help you find your other pair of earrings in the midst of a suspense or action movie. Friends stay when you're sick. Friends accept you whether you're queer, straight, rich, poor or even an alien. They don't ask anything in return, neither demand anything from you. So if you've kept these kind of people, thank heavens you're lucky! Just don't take them for granted. Otherwise, it can go back to you.

So whether they're from your

Grade school

High school

or even College life...

Be thankful for the true ones, but be extra careful from the ones who can hover you down.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Aapaw na siya. I can feel it. Externally, internally, at lahat ng cheverly. We got stranded at UST yesterday. Wuhoo Thomasians na kami.


Twin is hot. hehe ; Bam and Paeng were stranded. hehe ; and God our jeep swam over Espana.

What's with everyone these days? They all got something to touch their hair out. Shave, cut, razor your front and style your back like a donut, dye, you name it.

Anyho.. It was an interesting Monday. I had another ups and down moments wherein I almost wanted to cut my fingers out so I can do that infamous bad sign. Darn.. what does fate really want me to do?. Wish me luck later... i'm beginning to sense a mano-a-mano movement before dinner featuring the best fighter on earth. secret ko na yun. :p

And condolence to the demise of my dad's daddy... my other grandfather. He just passed away last Sunday. Please pray for him.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Quantity or Quality?

I hate Saturdays. I hate my Saturday Classes. It's like getting your hands chopped off with a single tool and your plate marked with a cursive BOO.

Kudos to you Maybz for shooting this. :)

I want to comment on this pic pero wag na lang. Hindi kasya. Damn you 82!

Imagine, you have to wake up very early for these darn subjects and profs... You won't get to spend your weekend rest because of plates.. and of course, kanselado ang gimiks with friends. Pero sige kaya pa, but i'm beginning to sense that i'll be having a very painful sem. Sama nyo na jan ang iba't ibang problemang pwedeng ibato sayo ni 'Kapalaran'. Kasi... ba't ikaw pa...

Later that day..

Since my gramps wanted to break away from all the dramas goin on inside the house, he invited me to watch a movie. We watched this in Galleria.

Captain Jack Sparrow is caught up in another tangled web of supernatural intrigue. Although the curse of the Black Pearl has been lifted, an even more terrifying threat looms over its captain and scurvy crew: it turns out that Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, Ruler of the Ocean Depths, who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman, which no other ship can match in speed and stealth. Unless the ever-crafty Jack figures a cunning way out of this Faustian pact, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation in the service of Jones. This startling development interrupts the wedding plans of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who once again find themselves thrust into Jack's misadventures, leading to escalating confrontations with sea monsters, very unfriendly islanders, flamboyant soothsayer Tia Dalma and even the mysterious appearance of Will's long-lost father, Bootstrap Bill. Meanwhile, ruthless pirate hunter Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company sets his sights on retrieving the fabled "Dead Man's Chest." According to legend, whoever possesses the Dead Man's Chest gains control of Davy Jones, and Beckett intends to use this awesome power to destroy every last Pirate of the Caribbean once and for all. For times are changing on the high seas, with businessmen and bureaucrats becoming the true pirates--and freewheeling, fun-loving buccaneers like Jack and his crew threatened with extinction.

I liked it... Johnny Depp is LOVE. haha obviously, may kadugtong siya. At World's End. Anyway, I might change my mind on buying that barbie doll into a Jack Sparrow action figure. :p

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ending the Abstinence

I know some of you kept asking why I haven't updated my blog and I usually answer the same old line 'busy kasi e'. Well, that's half true. And the other truth is that, I swore I'd post an entry after I watch Superman Returns.

Yep, ya got that right, I jus watched it yesterday. Some thought I watched it on the premiere night, some even thought I struggled with other folks just to get ahead in the line. But you heard me, it was until yesterday when I finally saw it with my own eyes. But of course it had to be special... so I watched it in:

iMax. Gitna. hehe


IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT. I almost cried when I saw Brandon Routh flying so near.. Haha feeling. It was a good experience. :) Anyway, My review on the movie...

As you can see, I admit that I went teary-eyed during the movie. But as a Superman fan, I wasn't that "happy". The effects were cool, the story was great because it really had a connection with Superman I & II. BUT.. It lacked action. Although that didn't put my trust away from Bryan Singer. God! good thing he left X3 for this. I know the next 2 sequels will finish it off. Wag lang mashado mag-focus kay Lois Lane and his 'son'. :p Almost everyone's comments kasi were like 'bitin' and all. Anyway, I still enjoyed the movie. :)

Highlights on what happened to me for the last 13 days:

Night classes were exhausting, but thanks to these people, sumaya siya!

Sayang wala na si Tash.. We miss her. Anyway, mas bonding kami ni Barbara ngayon. Mapa-Mayrics man o sa game. :p

Thanks to this guy, I easily recovered from this contagious disease called 'trangkasonite!'

And the rest goes on... Btw, we watched the UAAP game between UST vs. UP. Sayang.. 2 points lamang. But we were really expecting our alma mater to lose. hehe Pero ok lang, may mga nag-enjoy naman eh.. RIGHT BAM? RIGHT AINA? :p hehe

Advanced Happy Birthday to my favorite guy in the world. Papa gramps! July 15. Tanda! tsk... ;)

And so I shall end this, it's killing lots of time. I'ma start my plate na. Good thing classes were suspended. :p Ciao.