..euphoria in this aftermath of drought..
In this 28th day of January, true bliss was felt even though sturdy consequences followed. Sharing time with these beautiful eyes again was very unbelievable because of the thought that different eyes were now marked on us. But this time, it was these that were staring close to mine. I loved the feeling. I won't deny the fact that I missed it so much. But I felt contented, for I was feeling Utopia once again. Everything was perfect, when these eyes had to go. We thought that the setting was already perfect when suddenly, my comrades slipped into their words when the authorities that shouldn't know this amazing event, heard what they said. Sadly, these eyes lost. and since then, I am not yet informed on what happened or what might happen to us in the next few days. :c But all I can say is that i'm glad I had the chance to spend this special day with the person I would want to spend with.. c:
thanks! for this great day..
Panic, stress, tension.. you name it! I felt these emotions when I heard the frustrating news. Then at 6:30pm, ate thea picked us up to watch Elektra in Galleria. We arrived at quarter to 7 and bought tickets for the reserved seats
. geez.. it sure is expensive.. Unfortunately, my grumbling tummy was already complaining for its crave for nourishment. So we went to KFC and ordered out heavy dinner.
my bet maure ordered 2pcs.chicken meal and fixin then shared with ate thea; kai ate 2 large fries and a footlong hotdog *easy!* hehehe ; Last but not the least, I ate crispy chicken strips with rice and of course! with matching code red for my beverage! *my favorite.. ;p* kai and ate thea splitted with us and were the first to enter the moviehouse while my bet and I were late due to sluggish service! >:9 grr.. hehe nah! just kidding.. their service was ok.. :p
my comments for the movie..

my favorite scene! hehehehe (typhoid mary yer da bomb! ;p)
fight scene with Kirigi.. astig!
damn! loved her ever since.. especially on her killer moves..
Her fight with stone.. *applause*
jennifer garner....... love her body.. ;p

not to mention TATTOO!! *bow*
This movie is better than DAREDEVIL.. I assure you that.. ;) i rate it a 10/10 hehe
soo I guess my post ends here... I just miss my life right now.. btw.. right now.. im chatting with an old friend of mine.. I missed you beb!! haha visit us sometime! labyu! mwah! Signin off...
xxviii.. still..
since im bored.. im surfin for some sites and I'd really like to know more about myself through these quizzes.. ü
Which Marvel Superhero are you?
Hard-worker you are not, you enjoy listening to
music, surfing the web, blowing off homework
till the last possible minute, and other lazy
activities. Even still, you are good at helping
your friends with their problems, and if you
see something goin' on that you think just
isn't right you're not afraid to say something
about it. Unlike how others see you, you have a
lot of potential.
What Shaman King Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Superman! A.k.a. Clark Kent. While being
the last of Krypton may have its downs, it also
has some great perks. After a busy day of
saving the world, you usually get to hold the
cute Lois Lane in your arms at least once. ^_^
Not that you would let that distract you. You
are honest, noble, and brave, a true American
hero. Sometimes your "boy scout"
goodie attitude has its downfalls, but more
often then not, it helps teach someone a
valuable lesson, way to be!
What Superman Character are you?
brought to you by
Creepppyyy... hehehehe

-- Elektra -- shux! i really love jennifer garner! even in this movie's sequel "Daredevil".. ü
COMING SOON!!! üü Fantastic Four..
Chris Evans as the Human Torch,
Michael Chiklis as The Thing,
Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman and
Ioan Gruffudd as Mr. Fantastic (2005)
**This is soo damn cool in the comic series** I just hope this movie clicks.. ;p
anyway.. im still searchin for some cool sites.. but something tells me that my body needs tah rest first! ;p im off for now.. i'll update this.. maybe later..
ciao! ;)
..enveloped in bitter cold..
bit·ter (btr)
* Causing a sharply unpleasant, painful, or stinging sensation; harsh:
* Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear
* Proceeding from or exhibiting strong animosity
* Resulting from or expressive of severe grief, anguish, or disappointment
acrimony fills the air.. resentment towards my bittersweet colleague.. and of course, what is life without cynicism?
hmm.. i dunno.. feeling jaded makes you realize the important people around you..
the one whom you think that least cares for you.. are actually the ones that'll help you the best way they can so all your troubles and worries will be detached from your infinite thoughts.. that even if it jumbles your fantasies.. it lets you wake up in reality greeting you a "WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD" phrase.. ;p Sometimes.. problems don't usually appear just to be solved on your own. sarcasm.. bitterness.. rancor and emnity are the factors that will lead you to perplexity.. but giving worth to your comrades gradually decreases your grief and despondents in life.. you see.. I live in a world full of shams and deceit. You fawn in order to survive. Giving yourself truly to someone and repays you with betrayal is surely a tough challenge, but it also leaves you experiences that'll be of great use when the same problem arrives again in the near future.
The future..
Yeah.. that's what I'm always thinkin of.. where do I see myself in the next 5 - 10 years.. It matters a lot.. but of course.. you start with the present.. focus.. focus.. stay away from the past.. im not saying forget about it.. but learn from its mistakes.. soo.. along the way you meet people.. some good.. and some.. geez.. 'stay away!' but then you meet this kind of person, wherein you feel this great impact inside.. and whatever you do.. recalling that day you've met each other makes your cheeks turn red and smiles that heighten up.ü All goes well of course at first.. until nature tests you.
the forces of nature..
Whatever you do.. no matter how happy *you're life* is.. there will always be conflicts and new challenges that arise..
there goes the time you treasure most but gets wasted because nature doesn't permit you.. the efforts you put into but the mood just doesn't fit in.. the plans you make to let them feel security while others get ahead and steals them away..
the lesson..
but one thing that ive learned is.. that no matter how strong the forces of nature are.. your grip firmly unmatches it.. no matter how hard they try to remove it from you .. Don't let go.. Especially when the most important thing for you is at stake.. which is **your life** Sooner or later, we may lose it. But the battle does not end there.. It's how you hold on. Stand for what you believe in.. and prove them wrong.. no matter how hard you tried.. at least you have proven yourself that you're worthy enough to be loved. Don't let others affect your view towards *life*.. the hell they know!? Cuz if you lose it.. the next place you'll imagine yourself is the corner of your room.. where you see yourself whining.. crying.. curse everyone else.. especially you..
its a fact that our race is flawed by fraudulence and dubiousness. But this I say to you.. living with your *life* the best way that you can makes it eminent and worth it despite of the imperfections it brings out in you.
Love *your life*.. though sometimes it unpredictably parts.. Are you ready to risk everything just to get it back?
Though I am gradually losing it.. I would.. and I'd pray everyday for the rest of my life, hoping that when it comes back.. it'll be better the second time around..
I didnt like this day much.. my morning was a bum.. assembly speeches full of crap.. people who mess you around.. stubborness that snitches your time and goals.. but im glad things were ok when the bigbarx held an open forum.. at least I got to know their feelings.. well.. im off for now.. next time maybe! ciao!
well whaddya know?! I passed UST!! I was so shocked and at the same time I felt goosebumps all over my body!! Niwei.. I love this day! I guess.. hehe cuz I wouldn't want to hate it because of some bad news again that i'll be hearing in the near future.. hehehe dont mind me.. anyway..
My dad picked us up (me and my sister) and ate lunch outside.. we went to Shopwise to buy some grocery and he even bought me Lays Classic!! whoa! another one of my favorites.. ;p oh! not to mention Code Red.. *Gosh.. addictive..* hehehe then we went to his place and watched again Shaman King.. marathon time!!!!!! hehehehe
..Raise your voice..
I remembered this movie cuz it was my first day of Parish Involvement.. My busmate Bencelle or should I call her.. *Maian*ü recruited me to play keyboards for their choir.. and im proud to be a member of the SMPYC.. (did I get the name right?) ehehe anyway.. Since I haven't practice any of their chosen songs.. I sang with them! Although I admit.. I am a FRUSTRATED SINGER.. hehehe didn't inherit that talent from my mom.. :c then.. I became felicitous of the fact that they've accepted and welcomed me as part of their family! ü
..Back at the Headquarters..
My dad cooked dinner for us.. Or should I say.. "Breakfast".. hehe we ate bacon, egg, corned beef, with matching toasted bread for our carbs.. While my sister was watching Shaman King.. I was at the back.. performing my newfound piece.. *hehe kidding..* entitled Could Not Ask For More by Edwin McCain.. its a very lovely song..ü I kept on practicing it til I got it right.. Though my hands are already aching.. I tried to think that the tip of my fingers are impervious enough to be affected by the strings. But you know what? Music really soothes your soul.. It clears your boggled mind instead of worrying your problems outside. ü then my mom called and told my dad that we had to go home already. So we packed up bringing my dad's guitar. We rode a cab, got home shortly, and kissed him goodbye..
"I wonder who's online?"
I went online and checked my ym. My new friends from the soiree added me up and afterwards, offline messages appeared.. My 'Bet' Ivy messaged me that the results of the USTET were posted already. She gave me the site and of course, I clicked it. *Geez.. I wouldn't skip this for my guts grumbling up inside. So I ran upstairs and searched for my test permit. As I enter my application number.. the first resulted to error. Then I typed my last 5 digits indicated in the permit and whoa! it was a success! my name appeared!
I screamed!! haha then my mind was filled with perplexity that I even hugged my sister and almost crushed her to death! hahaha I passed UST!!! I even passed the course I've always wanted.. My first choice!! ü I was waitlisted for my second choice but who cares?!! I passed my first!! haha My heart was filled with excitement! My thoughts were inculcated saying *Did you just pass??!! Im proud of ya! Let's celebrate!* haha cuz I wasnt expecting this. But I really had faith in it. Right before I was filling the application form, I've made sure that the course that I should pick would be the right one. haha im so glad I passed. Of course, this lessened my tensions. I bagged the school I've been aiming at. I called my dad and he joyously congratulated me. ü Tomorrow.. I guess I'll be telling my grandparents about this. ü
..and Lastly..
How could I forget my super duper cheap! It's her birthday!ü Although I didnt text her the whole day, I can sense that she had a great time..ü Love yah sis!
sooo I guess this ends here.. one more thing.. ALWAYS HAVE FAITH.. in HIM.. ;) signing off..
..a not-so solitary confinement..
hmm.. my day started when my grandpa called my mom's cell and told me to dress up for my weekly treatment.. (geez! its 6:00 in the mornin!!) and I got home 5 hrs. ago from the partee..
.. the medication..
while waiting for my turn, my grandpa
practiced my communication skills for the interview at UA&P.. whoa! I sure learned a lot from him! (thanks pa!) after the treatment.. he bought me first a call card (which was very unusual of him to buy me one because he was very cheap!).. niwei.. i was really touched.. hehehe then we left..
.. prep time!!..
the driver dropped us off at Megamall because my grandpa told me to fix my hair first! since I didnt bring my brush, he bought me one.. and a ponytail.. from there.. I started to become nervous of the questions they might ask me.. While we were leaving.. my thoughts were so jumbled I couldn't even remember what my grandpa taught me. sheesh!
..freeze like hell..
we went to the admissions office. There, the guy at the front desk told us that I was scheduled to be interviewed at the 7th flr. and meet my interviewer. Before that, I saw my friend Ysa and gave her own advice since she was already done. SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY. I was shaking then.. But all I ever think about is my grandpa's advice.. stay calm. then I entered the room.. It was a woman.
As I enter the freezing room, there she was.. sitting.. and arranging forms of the applicants.. She asked my name, I answered calmly.. actually the whole interview turned out to be some kind of a casual talk.. It only took us 5 mins.
I was very unsatisfied of my answers.. I almost took the whole thing for granted. (not again!!?!) but my grandpa encouraged me though despite of the fact that I regretted my answers. So he told the driver to drop us off at Galleria and fetch us before evening..
..my savior..
He treated me for lunch at this mongolian resto.. we ate and he still encouraged me not to break down or fill my thoughts with perplexion.. what's important was that I gave my best shot and answered honestly.. Although he lectured me some more.. I kinda understood him. After that we headed up to the moviehouse! ü
..bonding time!!ü..
I was expecting to watch Blade or Ocean's Twelve because knowing him, he loves watching action movies. But guess what? We watched Raise your voice.. whoa! I didnt even know that he likes Hillary Duff!! hehehe we enjoyed the movie since my grandpa told me not to text too much! hehehe.. after that, I saw my Paulinian friends.. (what's new? ;p) my junior and senior palz... ü then.. we canvassed some stuffs and bought CDs for his PC.. and some materials for school..
..last minutes before departure..
before leaving.. our last stop was at Mini-Stop.. he bought some snacks for the driver.. and of course! for meeh!! ;p then we left..
As I arrive home, everything turned out to be a slaking moment.. I bonded with my grandpa.. and again.. he accompanied me to my interview..
my realizations for today..
Ever since I was a kid.. my grandpa was always there to accompany me. When I had my first interview for admissions in elementary, when I was called to be interviewed in St. Paul.. and now, he's still there to guide me and perform his role as my mentor. During the interview.. I told Dra. Torralba (the name of my interviewer) that he's like a real dad. Thanks pa! ü
soo I guess I'm signing off.. later at 7.. i'll be going to Bencelle's house to be introduced to the choir im about to join for my parish involvement. But I hope I can come because its 6pm and by now, we should be going to mass already. Oh well.. that's life.. ;) till here.. Wait! before I forget.. I want to greet my cheap a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope ur weekend'll be a BLAST! im sure it is.. ü have fun!! labyu! mwah!ü