Wednesday, April 27, 2005

..Just before I got home..

There are soo many things that i've realized lately.. and as much as possible.. I wouldn't wanna miss these:

1 - Going to the gym.

2 - Lowering my carbs.

3 - Saving up for the 19th of May moreso within that week.

4 - Updating my blog for at least once a week.

5 - The Contender.

and Lastly..

6 - Watching a Kitchie Nadal concert.. haii..

Anyway, Just got home from my boxing lessons. Well.. there's nothing much to tell except for that freaking tricycle driver who made his way to fortune and glory as he bushed off my remaining cash, claiming that the long way costed that much!!!! oh yeah, not to mention his wife who teamed up with him and beat me off, as if I was the liar!! grrr... cheaters! well.. I hope karma'll avenge my stupidness.

Hmm.. just a few thoughts.. Here's what i'm hooked into right now..

Boxing.Smallville.The Amazing Race 7.Justice League Unlimited.Lost (oh.. im really hoping I could get the chance to watch one. :s).American Idol 3 (oh yeah!! GO CONSTANTINE!!!).Kitchie Nadal.3 Doors Down

And I can't wait for my relatives from the west to arrive... :D smallville season 3...... :D''

Here are some things I'm really desperate to save up for.

The Justice League Unlimited Superman action figure or maybe the doll type.A new pair of boxing gloves (I wish Kobe's dad can give me a discount).A Kitchie Nadal or 3 Doors Down CD).The Green Arrow Action Figure for sale in Cats.. Greenhills..

Haii.. How I wish.. ehehe ... Soo there's nothing much to put up but a thanks to Kai for the Erica Durance pics and to the peepz who gave tough support for me to enjoy the greatness of summah!! hehehe I'm out.. My ankles are starting to inflict due to the twist and turns of the sport. Signing off.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

..the unforgettable reunion..

Last April 15, 2005. I went to Trish's house for our old barx's reunion. I was kinda late due to some delays with my transpo but I was able to fetch Rosz. Ate Len drove us there to meet with the others and as we knock the doors, we were all shouting on top of our lungs, especially when we saw Helen. It was pretty obvious that we really missed each other. Unlike before, we would always go to Trish's old house and picture ourselves with the help of Kuya Jun at MCM. Anyway, Jaiz was able to make it with her convincing powers.. :p The first thing we did as we arrive was taking tons of pics with the help of Rosz's Digicam! ASENSO na!! haha Tita Rose left us for a while so we had the house for ourselves. Lunch was great! Usapang Potluck eh.. hehe Tita Rose's Pusit... MMMmmmmm... :) Rosz's KFC.. and for the dessert... My Coffee Crunch Cake.. When Jaiz arrived, we went up to Trish's room and bonded as if there was no tomorrow! :)

We were soo high inside and out! especially me... anyway.. Let the pictures say what we all did in this great day... :)

For more pics from our reunion.. Just visit my Gallery.. :)

But of course, this wonderful day ended with heartwarming thank you's and miss you's when the first one who had to go was Jaiz. After that, Tita Rose asked me to tell them the tale of the broken cellphone. Well, right after the last part, Helen's sundo was already there. Whew! it really did took us that long!! haha then.. right after Helen's goodbye was ours... Ate len arrived just right after Helen left.

It was an unforgettable day for all of us. Too bad, Jessa, Angelica and Betsy didn't make it.. Hmm.. We're still planning on the May 19th to watch the final Episode of the Star Wars Saga. Can't wait guyz!! hehe

Im off.. we're planning to watch another flick tonight.. it's either The Interpreter, The Jacket, or Guess Who.. Whatever! ;) i'm willing to watch any of these naman eh.. :)

Btw.. Today is Mau's departure.. I'll really miss you bet!! But don't forget!! Size 8, XXL and pakikiss si superman ha? hahaha pero baka di ko na rin magamit yang XXL.. pagkadating mo dito.. soo make it a(n) M? hahaha labyu!! mwah!! Im signing off..

Friday, April 22, 2005

..another character on the go..

I'm starting to love Green Arrow.. geez.. I never thought of liking a green archer before.. hahahaha Anyway.. you can catch him on the Justice League Unlimited series aired on Cartoon Network every.. Friday(?) hmm.. im not sure.. hehe.. and yep! he's HUMAN.. with flaws and everything.. But he's fast enough and can evade all sorts of um.. mortal stuffs.. hehe BUT WHO THE HECK IS GREEN ARROW??

Fun Facts!!...

He is the modern type of Robin Hood who brings with him loads of arrows with different functions and an amazing acrobat.. it may contain poisonous gas, captivating nets or whatever. Just like the others, he also has a secret identity. His real name is Oliver Queen. Not to mention his great looks but he's married to Dinah Lance a.k.a the legendary Black Canary. If Superman's territory is Metropolis, you can name his the Star City. Hmm, to add more info, I posted this from other fansites... :)

The wealthy world traveler was on a South Seas cruise when a sudden lurch threw him overboard. Currents carried him to the deserted Star Fish Island, and upon regaining his senses, he realized that he would have to fend for himself. Inspired by his Robinson Crusoe-like situation, Oliver began developing his own method for catching food and protecting himself: by taking up the bow he hadn't used since his use and fashioned various arrows to survive.

Oliver escaped the island after apprehending criminals who docked on the beach to check their illicit goods. Upon his arrival back home again, he continued to protect innocent citizens of Star City as the Green Arrow.

As a rebel with countless causes, Green Arrow brought a liberal conscience to the DC Universe. It wasn't always this way, though: For years, Oliver Queen operated with the benefit of a vast fortune at his disposal, meting out a brand of justice with his sidekick, Speedy. But when that fortune collapsed and his ward and bow slinging partner, Roy Harper, suffered drug abuse, he discovered that for him at least, there was more to heroism than just being a straight shooter as he traveled a hard road with the Green Lantern known as Hal Jordan.

Through the years, Green Arrow worked his lover Dinah Lance, otherwise known as the Black Canary, fighting crime. The two were members of the Justice League of America for many years until the Emerald Archer eventually relocated with her to Seattle. As Ollie entered his mid forties, an event forever changed him as Dinah was brutally tortured after being captured by drug dealers and the longbow hunting Oliver Queen killed the sadistic butcher. Oliver became grime in this part of his life and was placed on a hard road as he was framed by Eddie Fyers for terrorist activities that pushed him across several continents until he eventually returned to find his relationship broken.

Eventually, Queen was placed on a crossroads in his life where he ended back up in a monastery he had visited years before during his troubling times after losing his fortune. There, he met a teenaged Buddhist monk named Connor Hawke, whom he didn't realize was actually his own flesh-and-blood son. Working with Fyers and Connor, Oliver began training the eager youth as he fought to clear his name. Eventually, the radical Queen got tangled up with the Eden Corps, who he discovered were going to detonate a mutagenic weapon killing all of Metropolis.

Oliver Queen sacrificed his life in an airplane over Superman's city to defeat the terrorists from exploding the bomb.

In recent years, Ollie's son, Connor Hawke, has taken over the role after his father's apparent death. The young monk, has continued in the tradition of the original Emerald Archer fighting tyranny and evil with the help of Eddie Fyers and Master Jansen. In his travels, the junior bowman has proven that he is one of the world's top martial artists as he struggles with the pacifist nature he was raised and the brave and bold influence of his father's brash mannerisms.

Cool Huh? And I got some pics to prove it! ;)

Now, the original Green Arrow has returned to Star City...

Anyway.. i'm still updating my entry about our ol'barx's reunion.. and my experience at UST.. i'm signing off.. got more tasks to do..

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


For weeks, i've been treating hospitals as if it were my second home... following same routines that yeah it keeps me busy, but seeking out for more pumps the body system all throughout. Anyway, my gramps was taken back to the Medical city for confinement. And this time, the inside parts of his wound had just worstened. As we arrive in his room, there were visitors. We chatted mostly about colleges... Hmm.. what is it with grown-ups when it comes to universities? They would always compare it to the schools they graduated and brag on how easy it was to get in there. All I can say is that, i'm contented with the school I've always wanted. Anyway, when they left, my aunt and uncle stayed and waited for my mom for the food. When the food arrived, they ate, chatted then left. So what was left there gained back the serenity of my gramps's somewhat sanctuary. He wanted to pray the rosary but was too weak to start it off so I led the mysteries, the litany, and the personal intentions. He followed every single prayer til the very end but hearing his shivering voice made me feel like I should be the one in that bed. I was always vulnerable to these kind of situations. So right after that, I immediately turned on the television. I watched the Amazing Race, finished the Inferno, and texted til I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night seeing him struggling in pain with his legs cramping up so he asked me to massage the unaffected foot. Hearing sentiments from him was a rare moment for me. He's not the type of guy whom you would consider 'sweet' through words, but you'll definitely feel the care and concern shown. I checked the time (1 AM) and switched on the CNN for updates... and finally! they've already declared our new pope.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger


At first I didn't like him. But when I asked my gramps if he was in favor of him, he told me he was actually the ideal pope. A candidate from Germany gave me the indecent recall of the Nazis.. And yet I realized how crappy my point was... then later on, I guess it turned out that it wasn't that bad since he gained the highest position, next to the Pope, of being the Dean of all Cardinals.

Anyway, I just got home from UST for my own check-up then later on, i'll be going to the gym to burn more calories. Haii... This week is going to be a hectic one for me. Tomorrow, I'll be going to UST for my enrollment and geez.. wish me luck! I hope it wouldn't be that hard to pile up all my requirements to admit me in. Then I guess I'd stay home again to assist my grandma. Well.. I haven't tried the aero yet.. maybe later.. hehe

My entry ends here.. At this time, I should've packed up my stuffs.. anyway, I seldom visit my blog nah.. And I must admit, I really missed posting deep whatever stuffs in here.. and I almost forgot..

I would like to greet my bet Mau a happy flight on sunday.. haii.. you're leaving na.. i've read Kai's blog.. and she's damn right.. if you ever read this.. just want to say I'm gonna miss you so much!! Size 8 na lang ha? hahaha sori pala I can't come on saturday.. full shift tlga eh.. :o hehe love you bet!! mwah!!

Signing off..

Monday, April 18, 2005


Have you ever felt like wanting so many things at the same time? So many that it can actually makes you forget which of these tops most on the list? :) Well.. exploring new places, people, ideas, and unexpected events supervenes your deep fascination towards one biddable interest. As for me, organizing these thoughts would help me track them down one-by-one.

When it comes to Movies... I am basically an addict. Here are some I've stored in mind.. And you really wouldn't dare to miss.


Watching these 2 Ashton Kutcher movies will surely throw your heart out with laughter.. and not to mention his charming looks... ;)

Hmm.. I really fancy her movies.. and I think this one would rock out.. ;p

I've been dying for ages to see this one!

The last episode and so does the completion of Lucas' Saga. I guess this is the part where we see Luke Skywalker's dad turn into the palpitating Darth Vader. :) Hmm.. our old barx are planning to watch this on the 19th.. Can't wait! ;p

This one tops my list!!! I just saw the trailer last night and I think this one's gonna be a blast! Not to mention Dakota Fanning... :)

When it comes to Music... I've recently graduated from slow and senti music and is now preferring alternative, acoustics and OPM.

<- Kitchie Nadal.. and i'm startin to love her.. haha

<- love their versions...

When it comes to sports... Boxing is my game.

Currently Watching: Kamao and the Contender

When it comes to cinemas... Nothing beats ->

When it comes to snacks... You can feed me with this for as long as you want! :p

<- Jamaican Patties... *drool*

Well.. These are some things whom I think i'd go crazy without... But of course.. the irreplacable ones are still the people who've made a great difference in my life. :) My family, my friends, my loved ones... :D

I'm out cuz i'll be going to my gramps's house again.. then to the Medical City. I guess I won't be going to the gym today.. *sigh* I'll be posting my next entry as soon as Rosz mails our pics.. :) Signing off..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

..workin out..

Haii.. after the long wait!!! they've finally enrolled me in.. Actually.. I was supposed to start yesterday. Unfortunately, we were soo busy fixing impt. matters about my enrollment. I was also arguing with my gramps cuz the original plan was to enroll me in fitness advantage since the location was very near to my place. But their snitch for me in order to agree with them was the promo held at Moro Lorenzo in Ateneo. I guess I didn't have any choice but to affirm... Then we left at 3.

It was my first time to enter the ADMU campus. It looks a lot like UP esp. with the twists and turns of the streets... Anyway, as we enter the building... they offered us their promo and geez! they were right. It was cheap enough to enroll in their gym that comes with different activities available for free.

hehe.. its my temporary ID cuz the real one will only be given after 2 weeks. Hmm... soo for the first day, they just let me use the treadmill for 25 mins. for warm-up then they introduced me Tyson, my boxing instructor. He was okay, a professional boxer who's in-tight with the Pacman! oh yes.. the people's champ. But anyway, we had a few warm-ups then took off the punching rounds. It was actually bitin since my gramps arrived early to pick me up.

We first fetched my 6-year old cuzin Andie in Greenmeadows since her house party was over. Kuya Lito even called her gala daig pa si ate... hehehe well its kinda true.. since i'm always here at my gramps' house. Well.. for the past few days, i've tried a different kind of job.. with no service charge. pwede na pala ko maging nurse! hahaha cuz I swore to myself that i'd make a good contribution to this neighborhood, so I gave half of my time to my grandma.. it felt good, knowing that the useless one in the family is now regaining their confidence back in her. ;)

Now i'm chatting with my old colleagues from my old barx in elem... I miss them.. :c and i'm glad they're planning a reunion.. HOUSE PARTY HA GUYZ!?? :p I miss ya'll.. see ya! ;)

I'm out... I'm tired with all these kids's noise.... and i'm sleepy... Signing off...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

..the sentimentality about death..

Death is a very essential part of God's plan for us. For each and everyone of us. At this point in my life, the breaching radars are now sending signs that anyone may die... in a snap.

Pope John Paul II Dies at 84

Many people were gathered in St. Peter's Square when they heard the news that the Pope was gravely sick and was already in coma. They were praying so hard that his condition might get a little better not until the next day when it was announced that the Holy Father passed away. Millions of people from around the world mourned and joined the others. They professed their faith that only felt sadness by their side. For one reason, I firmly believe that in his final hours, he wasn't thinking about death. But an opening to the afterlife, and finally reuniting with God.

"I do know we're deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don't satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted."
-- When we talk about Death,Tuesdays with Morrie

An excellent book written by Mitch Albom that reminds us about how we should live life the right way. It makes us realize that not everything in this world is permanent. It decomposes like food, it collapses like buildings, it conspires like disease, and most of all... it dies like every single life form bound to reborn every generation in this world.
I can't imagine that death itself would reach my territory and plot its way to one of the most important people in my life who taught me morality. my grandma. A 60 year old lady that has lived her own life the best way we can think of and made sure that every single time that God has alloted her, would not be put into waste. Her priority is to make sure that everyone's happy but also disciplined; that we should know our limitations, when and where to respond at the right moment. She appreciated every single thing that I did. She was the one who persuaded me to study playing the piano, the one who would always remind me to pray everyday, and how can I forget that you should always wear your slippers inside the house. :p She's like my second mom... and hearing this line broke me when she said: "Kaya be good ah... dapat maging successful ka. Then minutes later, let's rephrase this a little bit.. kapag nawala na ako... kawawa naman si lolo." Hearing these kind of lines usually come up with this reaction wag ka naman magsalita ng ganyan... But deep down you could almost give in to that weakness... But you shouldn't. Why? It's because they gather strength from you. If you show them vulnerability... then they might as well give in too.

But i'm still believing. This is just one obstacle she needs to prevail. And i'm willing to make the most out of everything that she'll be needing.

"Take any emotion -- Love for a woman, or grief for a loved one, or what I'm going through, fear and pain from a deadly illness. If you hold back on the emotions -- if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them -- you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.

But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully completely. You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then you can say, 'All right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.'"

-- When we talk about Emotions , Tuesdays with Morrie

Signing off...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

..bonding with the folks..

I spent the last few days here in my gramps's house. I had fun... and I mean a lot. From the day he told me Kuya Tolits would pick me up at my place to spend the night with my relatives, til tomorrow before my mom picks us up... I could nevertheless feel anything but being at home even before during my childhood years.

I could still remember my childhood memories flourished in these walls. Lying in my pull-out bed, where my lola used to prepare whenever I sleepover during weekends; Practicing my piano classicals every Sunday night before going to school. No watching TV... (since the internet and cellphones were way too complicated for my age.) My grandma would practice me for hours til bedtime in order to discipline myself. But during Saturdays, my gramps would bring me to his roadtrips like in San Pablo for his recollections... and later on, he would treat me out for some Buco Pie. mmmm... :) And when they go out of the country, they'd bring me along to explore with them different cultures and structures that aren't found in our homeland. My gramps would always tease me with his annoying jokes; I get pikon, then start to annoy him. But i'm afraid it'll take us days if you let me elaborate my fun moments with him. ;p Well anyway... to describe him the best... He's like my 2nd Dad. The internal one. And a very brilliant mentor. My classmates would always say we look cute together. It's as if we're like candidates for the best Father-Daughter figure. He was always present in all my needs. Irregardless for some of our financial needs, he and my grandma were always there to support us, and sometimes, catch us when we're one step closer to the pits. But one thing that everyone hated about me was that I was raised being a spoiled brat, especially to my gramps. And the solution to it was the greatest challenge of all time. change. Well now, let's go back and focus more on the present...

Yesterday, we were supposed to go to Megamall to buy a CD case for my smallville collection. Unfortunately, he had a meeting soo I decided to stay in the house. Because of my grandma's exposure to her chemotherapy, the side effects took part in her sense of touch. She was no longer the most independent woman i've ever known but a 60 year old woman whom at her age, needed someone to nurse her needs especially when it comes to opening hard matter. Because of that, she asked me to accompany her in this hawaiian themed party til she reached her seat with her friends. Then I finally left. Back at home, I used my gramps's laptop and surfed to sawa! haha with the freezing temp of the aircon, i've finally pacified excess heat out of this tempestuous environment.

Friday morning I woke up with my cousins and siblings on the floor. Our grandparents' room was so messed up! and after it was fixed, Geez! they're playing the Grudge flick on the console again. It's like i've been watching it for 4 straight days! imagine that. My aunt asked me to join them in their kite-flying activity in Ateneo, but I accompanied my grandma to the hospital instead. As we enter Medical City, she was having a hard time walking especially with the stairs. We waited for hours just to see the doctor. Good thing I brought a Classic of Dante Alighieri's Inferno to read on. When it was their turn, I made kulitan with Kuya Tolits and taught him signals by using time. After the consultation, my gramps treated us some snacks and dropped me off at my house to get more clothes. Next, we went to NBS to find notes / songbooks for the mass. He bought me a CD file instead. As we reach home, we ate first dinner and headed off in front of the church for the celebration of their fiesta. A Bingo was held. I had fun with my cousins and I sure brought out the kid in me during the game. At the end of the bingo night, their parents fetched us and drove us off to my gramps's place. In addition to that, I must say that this wonderwall did a very good job boosting my pertinence of such great events. For the happy thoughts, grins and smiles and continence. And for once, I can say i've taken a break from all these addling events. :)

It's so sad, that in a few hours, we are about to return to the world of reality. Imperfection exists once again though I am thankful for it. Experiencing these wonderful moments, days and seconds of my life will always stand out as the irreplacable memories that will be cherished forever. For with these, I was able to go back to my early childhood... reaching me out, to change the mistakes i've done, and to make the difference by taking good care of these people who have molded me, and be the person they've always aspire me to be. Thanks... :)

Signing off..
-- 22

Friday, April 01, 2005


I found this on friendster's bulletin board and got interested on knowing more about myself. It turned out I knew a side of mine that added more details to my identity. Why don't you guys try it? you'll certainly enjoy. ;)

I AM: juvenile.
I WANT: answers to every questions.
I HAVE: an eccentric mind.
I WISH: I can have superman's abilities.
I HATE: egoism. cockroaches. PESTS. my impatience.
I MISS: watching smallville. my friends.
I SEE: people come and go.
I FEAR: my mom. detachment. GOD.
I HEAR: the chillin breeze of the aircon.
I WONDER: where this path I chose will lead me to?
I REGRET: not making the most out of every single time I have.
I LOVE: SUPERMAN. choco rocks. code red. lay's classics. my FAMILY, FRIENDS, T.22
I ALWAYS: sleep, haha. play the guitar/ keyboards. WATCH SMALLVILLE. text. use the net. visit my blog. etc.
I DANCE: only when i'm needed to.
I CRY: not through deep things but to shallow ones.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: consistent and patient
I LOST: every single skill I attain after another.
I NEED: to lose lotsa lbs. enhance my spirtual life. avoid being a bum.
I SHOULD: play my part in the family, neighborhood and as a Catholic.


You keep a diary: nah.. looks unsafe to me. I prefer blogging.
You like to cook: nope! and my mom hates me for that.
do u have a secret: IM SUPERMAN! hahaha kidding.. yeah..
You believe in love: of course.
The weirdest person you know: my sister.
The Loudest Person you know: my sister. next to my mom. well.. it runs in the genes.. hehehe
Have a crush: yeah.. ;)
Want to get married: Yeah. But after I enjoy my life as a bachelorette.
health freak: Obviously, no.
Get along with your parents: sometimes.
EYE COLOR: brown
BIRTHPLACE: Medical City


COLOR(S): red. gray. blue. black
DAY: any fun day!
MONTH: September . December
FOOD: more on jap. jamaican patties!! uhm.. too many.
DRINKS: H20. Code Red. Iced Tea. Lemonade. Coke products.
SEASON: Christmas
SPORT: Tennis. Badminton. Bowling
CUDDLE/MAKE OUT: Cuddle I guess.
CHOCOLATE or Vanilla: chocs.



CRIED? almost... but I didnt. hehe
HELPED SOMEONE? yeah. my grandma.
BOUGHT SOMETHING? nope. Don't have money.
GOTTEN SICK? nope. Immune system's still workin...
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? at my gramps's place.
TALKED TO AN EX? ehehe yeah...
WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL? yes. etoh diba??
HUGGED SOMEONE? my baby bro...
FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS? nah.. I wouldn't dare myself with that!
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? nope... consultation lang..

Anyway, im at my gramps's bedroom. In this peaceful corner lies my cousins and siblings, sleeping soundly... snoring.. haha kidding.. while i'm still here, pissed off with all the networks' inconvenience particulary sun! I hope their maintenance will be able to recover their systems by tomorrow. It's sad i didn't get to text .... Then I guess it could've enlightened up this day. Well its just a day. Maybe things will get back to normal after this. pero eh.. lemme state a few lines from this morning's conversation:

ok lang yan, ako naman ang mahal db? haha OO NAMAN.
Im da bomb and he's na-BUM!

*patawa ka talaga sis! haha

Anyway, i'll post more sensible entries for the next few days. But for the meantime, i'm finding the hobby of bloghopping very interesting. Soo I'm out...

Signin Off..
-- 22