Time is Gold
So why the hell am I wasting my time posting an entry? Because my mind is not yet set to study the "greatest" subject in the world.
F**king minor subject! Why must we need to study this subject? Still researching on it. And after that, whoo i'll be doing a calendar and a gift wrapper plate! So am I excited about it? That is the question.
Again, I experimented last night with vector art and here are the results:

Semi-realistic ; flat
Blue with motion ; Bloody red
Which I manipulated from this photo:

Oh yes! Those were my First year days when Becares was still our professor in Freehand Drawing.
Sige na sige na.. I'll start reading my Logic homework na. ohh fuck i'm bleeding.
Blog time! hmm what to write..Just came home from Glorietta to meet my gramps at Podcentral. I was really shocked when I found out that he bought an iPod video as a birthday gift for himself. To be honest, I was kinda inspired to save up and buy my own cam. Oh no.. i'm not aiming for a DSLR or any expensive gadget. I'm actually lurking for handycams. I don't know.. I just want to give it a shot on shooting real live action. :p Of course, i'd also like to master editing vids.
Now is the only time I can upload and post recent photos taken last Saturday with my friend Aps before doing non-stop plates and hws... And in all fairness, I liked these two shots. I looked...
happy? :)
Formal and of course..

Ah! I know why! I didn't have a bad hair day! haha
Anyway, Photography class was fun though we didn't start shooting photos yet. Looking at my profs's work amazed me and in fact, inspired me to experiment with film. After that, my friends and I went looking for our Package Design prof because we needed our thumbs to be approved so we can start that long, boring plate. *No offense maam. You're still cute.* hehe Well, we saw her and lucky me! my preferred concept wasn't approved and instead chose the one I rushed just to be able to complete at least 4 thumbs with colors. Anyway, after that we had this super annoying scavenger hunt for our materials in Life Painting.
Again.. Just wanna share what i've done so far.. (We'll continue this next week)

This is the first time I used acrylic paint so pagbigyan niyo na muna ko. :p
The truth is that the whole time I was painting this, my mind was actually spaced out, boggling off somewhere I don't know. I love monochromatic plates. They always take me somewhere else. I hope next time i'd be able to reach Paris. hehe
And finally, the last issue of Justice comic series painted by my most favorite artist in the whole world.. Alex Ross. And with this, my collection is complete!
12 of 12
Aun nga, i've decided to stop buying toys for a while. Yep.. i'm not getting King Leonidas. Its a bit hard to resist on giving up the object of your desire. Imagine, I was able to save up 1,800.00 in a week just to buy it and yet changed my mind. Don't get me wrong, this is the real world, meaning, realizing that you'd spend almost 2k just for a toy? Hmm.. It makes you think what else you can buy in that amount. So instead, i'll put it up in the bank, or if I get lucky, get me a handycam and be happy. hehe
Oh.. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the movie 'Next' starring Nicholas Cage, Julianne Moore and Jessica Biel. It is a must watch film because it has a very nice plot, great effects and superb cast which will leave you smiling breathlessly at the end of it. There are no dull moments which explains all your what ifs and other loopholes if there are any found in the movie. I watched it in Trinoma which enticed me more to call it 'the best movie i've seen so far'. And yeah, this is Nicholas Cage's best one for me. But i'm also anticipating for the premiere of National Treasure 2. Tagal pa.. sus.

Seriously, if you're looking for an action-pack entertaining flick, this is a 'must see'. Poster is a bit cheap.. which explains the downfall of their promotions.
So I guess that's all for now. I have lots and lots of homeworks and plates to do AFTER TONIGHT because I WILL SLEEP.
Good night este morning na pala.. :)
Warning: If you're damn good at adobe, please bear in mind that I am only an amateur.This is my first ever attempt on vector art:
Siga ba? I do have a partner in crime noh.

Love you bambee :)
Anyway, i'm glad because i've never been so consistent on posting 3 or more consecutive entries in only one week! What i'm not glad about is that my day didn't start that well.
I wasn't able to go to class because I was late. I can't bear the humiliation of coming into class while all my blockmates are seriously listening to my super serious prof. So, I attended the next class instead. Sociology wasn't my favorite subject but I love our prof. I'm just not comfortable with the topic: Marriage in the Family. There are so many reasons yet so little time to explain why. hehe
and of course, the moment we've all been waiting for.. save the best subject for last!
ADPRAC 4: Copyrighting
A friend of mine told me once that this is the subject where I can do better.. since painting is not my strength. But I doubt it. We already met our super scary prof wherein we had to introduce ourselves in the form of a Q&A. Take note: In pure systematic English. Boy did I freak out.. We needed to copy notes for 30 minutes and because of my insanity, I finished it within 5 mins. hehe
The groupings. After the lecture, he called each one of us to pick a number and know our randomly selected group. Others have five members that has very much advantage while some groups have only 4. Lucky me! I belong to one of the four-member group. 1 guy and 3 girls. And how worse can it be? I just lost a game of three on rock-paper-scissors wherein whoever loses shall represent as the group leader. Fuck. I'm still not over it because I was never a good leader. Oh I feel pity for my group mates. I warned you guys... Well, it's done.. Wish me luck that I'd do a damn good job being one. We were dismissed at exactly 9pm. It rained hard so I ended up getting soaked.
Anyway, i've saved up na for the King Leonidas stat. I am so tempted to bid on it na but i'm scared my folks here would find out and get mad at me for wasting 2k on a senseless junk. They just don't get it.
I ate dinner at Javi's. I surely miss the staff.. my job.. and my favorite dish. Chicken Ala Kiev. hehe
Hmm.. can't think of anything to write na so i'll stop here. Carpe diem. :)
At your convenience
This is what I am thinking right now:For every luck corresponds a disappointing jinx. Like Yin and Yang there is a balance wherein you get attracted to a special thing, be happy about it, discover the glitch until *poof* you end up hurting for falling for it. But don't worry, because that is not the ending. You learn how to accept, hibernate and adapt to your surroundings until you're reborn into a whole new being. But how would you know that special thing is not capable of attracting you again? And why would you even risk falling again for the same light that dimmed your way like a moth burning from its beloved flame? Some say it must be love but for me? I won't lie anymore.. Yeah that must be it.
btw.. God! I love Casanova! Why did I even miss on watching this on the big screen? This is the only movie wherein I adored Heath Ledger.
I wasn't a fan of 10 things I hate about youThis is what I was thinking hours and hours ago:We met our prof for our AD Design subject. Thank God he is approachable. He gave us a good impression and I hope it would stay that way until the end of the sem. That, somehow, is what you call
luck. Learning that there would be no more Saturday morning classes...
luck again. Discovering that your terror professor has parted ways and left the class to another professor,
luck again. But what happens when you find out that the one exchanged is none other than the most terror of them all
? boo. What could possibly get any worse than this!? Well, I guess i'll just look on the bright side... No need to wake up early on Saturdays. But that depends.. On how our other profs would resist giving that burden to us.
We almost thought of dropping it and take it up on Summer. Motivation? Guess i'll just have to think of it na lang as a pillar of strength and use it as a weapon after on the real world. Yess... Based on my friends's experience, he is THAT scary. Way more scary than the other one.
What i'll be thinking later on:I swear i'm leaving the house early to arrive on time. I just got lucky because our prof wasn't that strict when it comes to attendance.
And hmm... who else? Need I say more? :)

Horribly wrong
Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing turns out wrong. You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that strong and I'm not wrong...-- Bad Day by Daniel Powter
This day sucks. It should've been okay but it all went horribly wrong. Package Design gave me one hell of a headache, I didn't have much imagination, and I don't even know how to unleash my submissiveness when it comes to overcoming this kind of challenge. Dammit! I need to think.. must conceptualize.. must design a gift wrapper! Must study for ADPrac4! Must prepare for AD design! Must finish my gramps's errand! And I think my friend is right, I must need to tell 'you' how I really feel! But I can't.. because I don't want anything to change. And since I already know what you're going to say.. I might as well stay blind, deaf and mute to be happy. Yeah i'm still happy in this condition.. So do you think I would want to risk all this? This 1 week of bliss? Not now I guess because i'm not yet ready. oohh!! Must get enough sleep! Bummer.
King Leonidas
I've been fantasizing about this baby for the WHOLE DAY. As in I really want to get one. Before I was also planning to get a Capt. Jack Sparrow but I guess I don't like it that much. I'm thinking this love for the king may be the same but as of now, I keep on looking at its picture on ebay.ph!

Oh man! I need to decide! I've always been a fan of Greek mythology and epics. hmm...btw, this costs 2k but it's as tall as a ruler and has sounds where you can push and hear all the catch phrases from the movie.

"Ready your breakfast and eat hardy, for tonight we dine in hell!"
"Prepare for glory!"
"This is Sparta!"
"No retreat... No surrender. That is Spartan law."
I want one!! so f***ing cool. :D *drool*
Tedious Monday
I had a really long day. Really.
I can't say that Mondays are that bad because the Professors are ok except in AdProd since we haven't met her yet. Mondays are so tedious because going to school at 7am and reaching your house at almost 10pm is also equivalent to jogging in the morning, play basketball in the afternoon and chess in the night. Get what I mean? Oh never mind. As I was saying.. I was so thankful that we still have nice profs. Like in Photography, instead of a cold-hearted b*st*rd or b*t**h whom you can't even ask questions regarding a newly introduced subject, we were given a Prof who can relate to us students (he's just kinda chatty) and suggests the best cameras / unit/ whatever we can use in his subject. We ended early so we still had to wait for 3 more hours before our next subject. So while waiting.. I bonded with the heartthrobs. Surely missed them. :) Anyway, I forgot to eat so I went to our next class with my grumbling stomach.
Life Painting. This prof gave a bad impression at first. He even gave us our first ever plate for the whole year! :o Holy.. Anyway, thanks to his projector's technical difficulties, we were asked to copy one of his two chosen photos in this book of Nudity. I really fell in love with the photo in which only a handful of students tried to copy. I for one, wasn't that confident that others might get amazed with my work.. But I liked it. Here...
I know it's not that good unlike the others but i'm kinda happy with it. I'm just not really good when it comes to "bushes". haha
I feel bad for my friend because I really do believe she deserves to be happy rather than being tricked with a whatsoever "revelation". It really crushes someone's heart you know. Saying things you don't really mean. Whatever I shouldn't interfere. I'm just hoping that at the end of the day, something right will happen. Something right and happy.
So much for my happy ending...
I'm not really sure of myself right now. It would really take a lot of ding-ding-ding K.O's before i'd probably realize the truth. It's true that I have been sooo happy in which I could just smile without anyone not trying to think that i'm silly. But somehow I feel more doubt than just freely flowing with the situation. I'm so scared of doing the same mistakes again. I hate to say this but I really do not want to fall. I don't want it to end either. Whatever it is.. Maybe to that someone its nothing but for me, i've never been so happy in my life. Oh god, I wish I won't be like my mom! :o grr.. change topic.
It sucks not being able to go to the Toy convention on both days. But I bought what i've been searching for like a year! presenting..

Barbie Lois Lane! I got it for a bargain!
Haii.. now i'm going to sleep. I wish tomorrow will be another happy day...... :)

Because I don't want to end up like this. :c
Happy Birthday Tito John!
I hate Saturdays!
What a day. I feel like i'm about to unload all the tensions inside. Right after my last, exhausting but superb duty from Javi's, I had to wake up at 8am for my first subject,
ADPRAC4. Luckily, my gramps gave me a ride to school so I wasn't late.
Bad news: Our professor is THE professor Velez who seems to fail almost half of his students every year. What makes this more scary is that we're the only section he is handling meaning, his focus on us will be very much monitored.
SECOND: right after our life-threatening subject, our next professor is someone who realllllyyy loves our section very much. Knowing that our ADPRAC prof is Sir Velez, who again fails almost half of his students, those students usually fail in her subject.
THIRD: we still have a third subject for the very longgg day. Sociology. Good thing our prof is a previous prof of ours who gave almost everyone a flat 1.0. I hope he's still that generous.
I painstakingly commuted, ran and commuted until I reached the land of Megamall. My gramps has been furious with me all throughout the walk because I still bought a ticket of the Toy Convention when there's no time since we're seeing
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

The Verdict: I wouldn't consider this as one of my picks because I expected something more than just action and comedy punch-lines. Kudos to the cast and effects. 3 stars.
I also went to the Toy Convention na kahit ang gulo-gulo na ng sched ko.. sige. My gramps almost got pissed off for not following his meeting time. I really wanna go back tom. I hope they allow me.
Grar! I am sooo freakin scared for this year. Huhu I really hope I could pass 1st SEM of 3rd year. :c
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all dads out there!
Just Do It
I am now quoting this as my motivation on whatever I need to do. Thanks RD for enlightening me up with this!
Never in my life have I been overwhelmed like this. My day started as another typical boring day until surprisingly, one incident led to another. I met two people whom I haven't seen for a long time. We had no prof during our first subject, meaning there's no reason for tardiness.
Although I was like 30 minutes late! Right before I enter the building I saw an ex-crush. As I enter my classroom, my friends were smiling and asked me how I was and told me that my face didn't show any emotion other than smiling. I wasn't expecting anything until my phone beeped and gave me another reason to smile..
Actually it was more on laughing than smiling. When class was over we just hung out in our usual tambayan wherein my friends helped
(and made fun of) me on what to respond. After that we headed towards our second class and waited another hour so we could finally go home.
Professors are given an hour before he/she could make it to class or else the students can leave. We were waiting for that... It was only five minutes before due time until the prof arrived. Bummer... new homeworks, requirements and even professor. After checking the attendance, we can finally go home. But before that, I saw another ex-crush. (
Gawrsh.. Term 'crush' really reminds me of high school. :p)It has also been a long time since I last rode with my night friends in carpool everytime we have night classes. We really had fun talking about HEROES, ANTM or whatever show you could think of.
Just like the old days...I'm also happy because I still had the strength to do my duty in my summer job. Unfortunately, tomorrow is my last day since i'm already getting my allowance back. Pictures from my last experiment were commented by my gramps as good shots..
yey! So now, I just need to re-copy or scan because those photos were really for Papa's assistant.
Its been 13 hours since I had this lockjaw. I don't know why but I guess i'm just really happy. It's been a long time.
Thank you! Just in case you're reading this.I love you guys! Kahit kanina niyo pa ko pinagttripan! lolI'm sure tomorrow this will all be over. Ganun naman yun eh.. ~
Carpe Diem~. Thank you Lord. :)
Talk about timing!!! Seattle's Best just called me and asked me if I am currently working.. What am I supposed to say? Classes starts today.. :oI just said 'yes I am currently working'.
I am such a bad liar. And worst part was I kept on asking who the caller was. I'm just happy because I made it to the callbacks. haha feeling..
that's all.. Classes starts in three hours. Sana okay talaga yung prof. :s
At Summer's End
Whoo pasukan na bukas!!!! I ain't damn ready yet.Tonight my real curfew starts. "No using of electronics during weekdays except weekends and holidays". To think that my sched starts in the afternoon, I am no longer allowed to use it unless it's important. I'm just wondering though how I can follow it especially when you have computer classes
. Bahala na.. Geez i'm still savoring my vacation. It's like i'm not ready yet for the real deal.
Oh, nag-start na pala Deal or No Deal. How much did they win?I had this strange dream last night. My school had renovations and there was no space to walk on. The ceiling was so low that you can't even kneel while walking around the area. So, how do we get on from one room to the other? Crawl. haha And the whole time I was conversing, with my "new classmates", little did I know that someone was following me. At the end of my walk
este crawl.. she confronted me and recalled everything I did in the past regarding someone. She imposed how stupid I was for doing nothing and the best way I tried to reach out to that person.. was through dreams. As if daw that person would appreciate it.. So after the long walk,
este crawl, she finally proved that I was stupid.
It was kinda long.. because I woke up at 11am. Anyway, just wanna share it.
Today is my last day to do anything because tomorrow, it's time to get serious. Huhu bye bye blogging.. Hmm, what can I possible do since I already spent half of the day sleeping?...
Btw.. I am sooo excited on the upcoming toy convention

I hope our date with dad will push through.
I love smiling.. :)
I am happy because this is the first time i've seen people, who once took my breath away, for three different days. And before this wonderful, amazing, overwhelming, summer ends, they once again took my breath away. *10 seconds to be exact* Of course this time, the effect is shorter than those years they made me high. :)
Yuck! I guess i'm too old for crushes. haha
"Revenge is a Funny thing"
You bet. Sometimes when a person turns cruella de-ville and ruins every second of your happiness in exchange of his/her selfishness.. Well, you better watch out.. because Karma's a bitch.

It wouldn't hurt seeing the third installment of Steven Soderbergh even though the second sequel sucked. Besides, Ocean's 11 became successful because of its highly planned strategy on stealing Terry Benedict's (Andy Garcia) money on his Belagio.
This time the story starts with Reuben (Elliot Gould), who was tricked by Willie Bank (Al Pacino) by betraying him lose almost every property he has, leaving him only $10k. (Not in cash form but a poker chip of his upcoming casino "The Bank"). Reuben was threatened, forced and later on, had a heart attack in which he almost died. Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and the rest of the gang swore revenge on getting his money back, double with interest. As usual, these confidential men planned carefully and affiliated with influential men who also wished to share revenge against W. Bank.
The first part was tedious because of the detailed explanation 'What if's', their Entrance and Exit strategy and how they're going to pull it off against the Bank's highly advanced security system. It is 10x sophisticated and smarter than the previous vaults because it has a so-called brain. Meaning to say, the movie is really projecting how impossible it is to break through.
Second part started entertaining the audience. How they worked with "this very interesting guy".. I won't tell who. ;) How they foresaw those who tried to capture them.. and showed the audience that for the love of entertainment, anything is possible.
The ending was nice... To tell you the truth, I was really entertained. I could actually compare this to Ocean's 11 and watch all over again.
4 stars. :)
I root for ANTM.
Just like Smallville, American Idol, etc. I'm writing my very first entry about ANTM. There are three remaining cycles that I haven't watched and yet I am so inspired because of the show's three beauties:
1 The Models2 The Concept of the Photoshoots3 The PhotographsIn
Cycle 1 where it all began, I was really rooting for:

Elyse Sewell
Despite her very skinny figure, I love this lady's high-fashioned beauty and versatility. She can pose for haute couture, Punk or even nude. I also like her natural spunky attitude wherein she doesn't hold back anything and says nothing but on what she believes in. Though she's an atheist so she doesn't really "believe" lol..
Reason why I began watching Cycle 2 was that I wanted to compare and see the progression from the previous cycle to this. And since I began watching in marathon, I was also rooting for

Yoanna House
At first Exotic Asian April Wilkins was my pick but the audrey hepburn shot and this made me change my bet..

Showing Nudity in a high-fashioned way
I'm starting to watch the third cycle so moving on, Cycle 4. The first ANTM season i've watched. During the early half of the season, I was going for Naima because of her consistency and calm attitude. But in the latter half, I was already falling for

Kahlen Rondot

Embracing the animal within
What I like about her is that she has the natural talent of a model without even knowing that she can shine in the camera. Naima's exotic beauty gained her plus points but Kahlen knows how to pose without needing any extra frames.
Cycle 5 wasn't that much of a "boom" for me. The winner was okay but I wasn't that hopeful for anyone. Guess I was rooting for..

Wild with the Boys

Kim Stolz
Despite her attitude on interfering with other people's problems (and all that drama..), I love her stunning look.. her sexy eyes. Like I said, this cycle wasn't that "great" for me.
Skipped the 6th cycle so again.. let's move forward to Cycle 7. Here, without a doubt I rooted for my Idol!

Caridee English

Portraying Brangelina
Looks: Rebecca Romjin-Stamos meets Paris Hilton ; Personality: Love it. There was this episode wherein the contestant was supposed to perform whatever the judges pick from the verb-adverb box. Caridee was given the Hide-Dizzily task and boy, thanks to her bubbly personality, she made the judges laugh and at the same time portrayed the words with creativity and without hesitation. Why she's my idol? because she also happens to be a survivor and present spokesperson for the National Psoriasis Foundation to spread awareness and encourage others to seek treatment. (Oh I can relate so much.. c;)
After finishing cycles 3 and 6.. cycle 8 naman.
That's all. Just wanna share my current addiction. Thanks to this, I am really really inspired to take up Photography lessons. haha inggit. :p malay niyo. ;)
These are the times that I'd give myself up, hoping that my motha would realize that men are not gods who should be thought off 24/7.